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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. Psychology at the University of Dallas is shaped by the understanding of the study as a liberal art as well as a rigorous science. To this end, it is engaged in the enterprise of questioning and rethinking the discipline of psychology.

    • Psychology BA

      The BA in psychology at the University of Dallas is shaped...

  2. The BA in psychology at the University of Dallas is shaped by the concept of psychology as a liberal art as well as a rigorous science. To this end, it is engaged in the enterprise of questioning and rethinking the discipline of psychology.

  3. The graduate psychology program at the University of Dallas is devoted to the recovery of some of the great traditions in 20th-century psychology often lost in the shuffle of current day clinical and research-oriented programs.

  4. Offering an ongoing array of foundational courses in phenomenology, psychodiagnostics, psychotherapy, lifespan development and qualitative research, the Master’s program in Psychology provides a range of special topics classes, including spirituality, sexuality, health psychology, multicultural studies, primatology and film. The ...

  5. The Psychology Program is shaped by the concept of psychology as a liberal art as well as a rigorous science. To this end, it is engaged in the enterprise of questioning and rethinking the discipline of psychology.

  6. The graduate psychology program at the University of Dallas offers master’s degrees rooted in the humanistic, psychodynamic and phenomenological traditions within psychology. We emphasize critical thinking about the theoretical and epistemological foundations of psychology, its subject matter, and the nature of the human person. Students ...

  7. The PhD program in psychology is an experimental psychology program that prepares students for leadership roles in research and teaching. Our program offers training in developmental, cognitive and social/personality psychology with an emphasis on interdisciplinary research and tailored training experiences that adapt to the specific needs of ...