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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. Die Europäische Weltraumorganisation ( englisch European Space Agency, kurz ESA; französisch Agence spatiale européenne , ASE) ist eine internationale Organisation 22 europäischer Staaten für die Koordinierung und den Betrieb gemeinsamer Raumfahrtaktivitäten.

  2. The European Space Agency (ESA) is a 22-member intergovernmental body devoted to space exploration. With its headquarters in Paris and a staff of around 2,200 people globally as of 2022, ESA was founded in 1975. Its 2024 annual budget was €7.8 billion.

  3. The European Space Agency portal features the latest news in space exploration, human spaceflight, launchers, telecommunications, navigation, monitoring and space science.

  4. Die European Space Research Organisation (ESRO) war die erste länderübergreifende europäische Weltraumforschungsorganisation und Vorläufer der ESA. Die ESRO wurde am 14. Juni 1962 durch zehn Staaten

  5. The European Space Agency (ESA) is Europe’s gateway to space. Its mission is to shape the development of Europe’s space capability and ensure that investment in space continues to deliver benefits to the citizens of Europe and the world. ESA is an international organisation with 22 Member States.

  6. The European Space Agency (ESA) is Europe’s gateway to space. ESA is an intergovernmental organisation, created in 1975, with the mission to shape the development of Europe’s space capability and ensure that investment in space delivers benefits to the citizens of Europe and the world.

  7. In Europe, ESA has the unique ability to implement, together with industry, complex and ambitious space missions and programmes on an equal footing with other leading space agencies worldwide. ESA Agenda 2025 commits to ensure that this ESA strength and value is further reinforced.