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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. Die King’s African Rifles waren ein in Britisch-Ostafrika von der Kolonialmacht gebildetes Infanterieregiment der britischen Leichten Infanterie als Jägertruppe. Aufgestellt wurde es im Jahr 1902, um die bestehenden Kolonialtruppen zu zentralisieren und daraus Synergieeffekte in Bezug auf Versorgung und Ausbildung zu erzielen.

  2. The King's African Rifles (KAR) was a British Colonial Auxiliary Forces regiment raised from Britain's East African colonies in 1902. It primarily carried out internal security duties within these colonies along with military service elsewhere during the world wars and other conflicts, such as the Malayan Emergency and the Mau Mau uprising .

  3. The King’s African Rifles (KAR) were the British colonial military within East Africa before and during the First World War. While initially rarely involved in the British operations in East Africa, the continued resistance of the German Schutztruppe forced the rapid expansion of the KAR to over 30,000 officers and men.

  4. Die King's African Rifles ( KAR, "the king's African Riflemen" auf Englisch ) waren eine militärische Körperschaft der britischen Kolonialbesitzungen in Ostafrika. Die 1902 gegründete Körperschaft wurde erst in den 1960er Jahren endgültig aufgelöst , als die letzten britischen Kolonien in der Region unabhängige Nationen wurden.

  5. Soldiers of the King's African Rifles photographed in 1944 during the Burma Campaign. The involvement of the Nyasaland Protectorate in World War II began with the declaration of war on Nazi Germany by the British Empire in September 1939.

  6. The East African Mounted Rifles were first deployed in an attack on German forces that had occupied the Kenyan village of Kisii. The principal attack came from the 4th battalion of the King's African

  7. With the independence of Tanganyika in December 1961, the two battalions of the King's African Rifles which had been raised in the colony were transferred to the newly independent nation.