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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. Urban Adult Contemporary (Urban AC) ist ein Format für Radiosender, das hauptsächlich in den USA verbreitet ist. Die Musikauswahl beschränkt sich auf R&B und Black Music der 1980er-Jahre bis heute. Es richtet sich an die Zielgruppe der 25- bis 54-Jährigen und wurde 1988 vom US-amerikanischen Radiomacher Barry Mayo entwickelt.

  2. Urban adult contemporary, often abbreviated as urban AC or UAC, (also known as adult R&B,) is the name for a format of radio music, similar to an urban contemporary format.

  3. Urban contemporary music, also known as urban music, hip hop, urban pop, or just simply urban, is a music radio format. The term was coined by New York radio DJ Frankie Crocker in the early to mid-1970s as a synonym for Black music.

  4. Urban Adult Contemporary music from the 1970s, 1980s, 1990s, 2000s, 2010s, and today. R&B music genres were R&B, Hip-Hop, Funk, and Soul.

  5. Adult contemporary music (AC) is a form of radio-played popular music, ranging from 1960s vocal and 1970s soft rock music to predominantly ballad-heavy music of the 1980s to the present day, with varying degrees of easy listening, pop, soul, R&B, quiet storm and rock influence.

  6. Im vergangenen Jahr hat die Hip-Hop-Musik für viel Furore gesorgt. Diese neue Aufmerksamkeit lässt sich auf die Radiosender zurückführen, wo das Format "Urban Contemporary" seit mehr als 40 Jahren R&B, Rap und Hip-Hop mischt.

  7. Urban contemporary music, musical genre of the 1980s and ’90s defined by recordings by rhythm-and-blues or soul artists with broad crossover appeal. Urban contemporary began as an American radio format designed to appeal to advertisers who felt that “black radio” would not reach a wide enough.