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Fredric Lehne ist ein US-amerikanischer Schauspieler, der in über 200 Filmen, Serien und Mini-Serien mitgewirkt hat. Er ist bekannt für seine Rollen in Lost, Men in Black, American Horror Story und vielen anderen.
Fredric Lehne is an American actor of film, stage, voice and television. He is best known for his role as the demon Azazel on Supernatural, and has also appeared in many other films, miniseries and TV shows.
YearTitleRoleNotes1978FrankEpisode: "The Good Thief"1978Cory LarsonEpisode: "All the Vice President's Men"1979Young WearyMiniseries1979Jacob KelsayEpisode: "The Innocent"Fredric Lehne is an American actor who has appeared in films such as Ordinary People, Men in Black, and The Dark Knight Rises. He has also directed and written short films and TV shows, and has won six awards and received two nominations.
- January 1, 1
- 1.78 m
- Buffalo, New York, USA
Biografie von Fredric Lehne. Fredric Lehne hat sein Debüt am Broadway in dem Stück „John Gabriel Borkman“ von Henrik Ibsen gegeben. Zu dieser Zeit lief auch einer seiner ersten Filme ...
Entdecke alle Serien und Filme von Fredric Lehne. Von den Anfängen seiner 45 Karriere-Jahre bis zu geplanten Projekten.
Fredric Lehne is an American actor who has appeared in films, TV shows and theater. He was born in Buffalo, N.Y. and debuted on Broadway at 21, and has worked with directors like Robert Redford and Christopher Nolan.
16. Feb. 2022 · Fredric Lehne, an actor with over 150 IMBd credits, talks about his career, LOST and Supernatural in this part of a two-part interview. Watch the video to learn more about his roles, experiences and insights in the entertainment industry.
- 35 Min.
- 755
- The Dev Show