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  1. Bachelor- und Master-Studium flexibel abends und am Wochenende. Ein Studium an der FOM: flexibel, praxisnah und persönlich. Jetzt informieren.


  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. At Fordham, you can earn a master’s degree in only one year of study beyond the bachelor’s degree. Or earn a law degree in only two years. Through our accelerated dual-degree programs, you can continue your studies seamlessly through Fordham’s graduate schools of arts and sciences, business, education, law, and social service.

  2. Calculate your tuition and fees for the next academic year. Student Financial Services is ready to advise you on options to finance your Fordham education.

  3. 福坦莫大学由天主教纽约总教区于1841年创办,初名为圣约翰学院(St. Johns College)(与纽约市皇后区的圣约翰大学 St. Johns University无关),随后由耶稣会接手管理。1905年建立法学院,1907年更名为Fordham University,现由非教会人士管理。学校曾经有医学院,但是 ...

  4. New York is my campus. Fordham is my school. ™ More on social media; Helpful Links; University Directory; Careers at Fordham

  5. Note on application deadlines: For Fordham University, we would like your application to be as complete as possible by the deadline. We do understand that it is not always possible for official scores and supporting documents to arrive with the application. Only the Common Application needs to ...

  6. Fordham University (česky: Fordhamská univerzita) je americká soukromá univerzita z New York City. Byla založena v roce 1841 newyorskou římskokatolickou diecézí jako St. John's College. Univerzita má ve městě tři kampusy a studuje zde celkem 15 tisíc studentů. Univerzitní barvy jsou kaštanová a bílá a jejím maskotem je beran.

  7. 福坦莫大學(英語: Fordham University ),又譯作福德姆大學、紐約復旦大學、復敦大學或福特漢姆大學(詳見以下「譯名」),是一所位於美國紐約市的私立大學,隸屬於天主教耶穌會 [4] 。