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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. Westminster is a boarding school and approximately one quarter of Sixth Form pupils, girls and boys, are boarders. Some boarders come from far away but most are Londoners who prefer to avoid the daily grind of commuting. For day pupils also, Westminster is very different from a conventional school. Many remain long after the teaching day has finished, perhaps to work in the library, or for ...

  2. Westminster offers a variety of Academic and Music Scholarships, which are awarded on a strictly competitive basis and parental income is not taken into account. The School also has a system of bursaries, which enables us to offer free places or places at reduced fees to boys and girls who do well in our entrance examinations but whose parents cannot afford the full fees. For further ...

  3. Westminster School. Westminster Okulu ya da Westminster School, resmî adı ile The Royal College of St Peter at Westminster İngiltere 'nin başkenti Londra 'nın merkezinde, geçmişi 12. yüzyıl öncesine dayanan, ilk kurulduğunda erkek öğrencilerin gittiği bir okuldur. Westminster Manastırı 'nın hemen yanında bulunan okulda bugün ...

  4. 瑞德中学Ryde School 成立于1921年,最初为男校。学校于1985年开始实行男女混合教学。学校以完备的设施以及严谨认真的教学态度获得了ISI的高度评价。学校提供从Nursery,到小学初中以及高中的全方位学习,同时还特别组织了夏校,吸引越来越多的学生。

  5. Westminster School, eg. The Royal College of St. Peter at Westminster , är en skola i London som tillhör de mest ansedda av de engelska privatskolorna (public schools). Den grundades 1179 som en klosterskola och återinstiftades, efter klostrets upplösning, av drottning Elisabet 1560 .

  6. Westminster School is an independent, Uniting Church, Early Learning to Year 12, coeducational, day and boarding school located at Marion, South Australia, 12 km south of Adelaide. Founded as a Methodist day and boarding school for boys, the school was opened by the Prime Minister Robert Menzies in 1961 and is named after Westminster School in London.

  7. Westminster School offers day and boarding places for boys aged 13-18 and girls aged 16-18, and has a strong claim to be the home of liberal education. Compared to schools of similar academic standing, Westminster School does not succeed through a “hothouse” mentality. Students here learn for the joy of learning, and pursue interests far beyond syllabus restrictions or exam requirements.