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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. Franz Mehring was born February 27, 1846, in Pomerania, the most backward, most undeveloped region of Germany, where Prussia is most Prussian. He was the son of a very respectable semi-feudal family, his paternal grandmother being descended from one of the most aristocratic of Pomerania’s noble families. Mehring received the education suited to a young man of his class and studied history ...

  2. 31. Aug. 2022 · 1846-1919. Originally a liberal journalist, Mehring joined the German Social Democratic Party (SPD) in the early 1890s. He rapidly became acknowledged as an important theoretician. In the course of time he moved to the left and became associated with the current around Rosa Luxemburg. With the outbreak of World War I he was, despite his ...

  3. Franz Mehring [[Bild:|220px]] * 27. Februar 1846 in Schlawe † 29. Januar 1919 in Berlin: deutscher Historiker und Politiker Artikel in der Wikipedia: Bilder und Medien bei Commons: Zitate bei Wikiquote: GND-Nummer 118579975 WP-Personensuche, SeeAlso, Deutsche Digitale Bibliothek DNB: Datensatz, Werke

  4. Nach Franz Mehring ist noch heute eine beträchtliche Anzahl von Straßen, Plätzen, aber auch Schulen und ähnlichen Einrichtungen benannt. Fragt man allerdings nach, an wen da eigentlich erinnert wird, so fallen die Antworten unterschiedlich aus: Auf der sicherlich vielbesuchten Internetseite des Deutschen Historischen Museums, genauer im Lebendigen Museum online, firmiert Mehring eindeutig ...

  5. This man was a Rabbi in Trier and is believed to have died in 1798. In any case, he was no longer alive in 1810, but his wife Eva Marx, nee Moses, was, and she is believed to have died in 1825. This pair had numerous children and two of them, Samuel and Hirschel, devoted themselves to scholarly professions. Samuel, who was born in 1781 and died ...

  6. Stadt Bernburg (Saale) - Hort der Grundschule "Franz Mehring" Bernburg (Saale) Telefon: 03471 622563

  7. 27. Feb. 2021 · Franz Mehring (1846-1919) war einer der führenden marxistischen Theoretiker seiner Zeit. Im Unterschied zu anderen führenden Sozialdemokraten, die sich nach rechts wandten, schloss er sich im ...