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  1. A.P. Williams came from an elite family of color in Connecticut, and made a name for himself in New Orleans as a singer and pianist as well as an educator and school administrator. At Fisk he staged operettas and singing programs with students, including a well-reviewed production of the Gilbert and Sullivan opera “HMS Pinafore” in 1881. While Bolden’s role in shows like these is unknown ...

  2. 6. Juli 2021 · In der Silvesternacht 1912 ballerte der Junge mit dem Revolver eines Onkels herum; Polizisten nahmen ihn fest und brachten ihn ins »Colored Waif's Home for Boys«.

  3. Er war von seinem siebten Lebensjahr an auf sich selbst gestellt und verdiente sich seinen Lebensunterhalt durch allerlei Gelegenheitsjobs. Anfang 1914 wurde er in das Erziehungsheim “Colored Waif’s Home For Boys” eingewiesen, nachdem er bei einer Silvesterfeier aus jugendlichem Übermut mit einem Revolver in die Luft geschossen hatte ...

  4. 12. Juli 2014 · At the Colored Waifs Home for Boys, he learned to play the bugle and the clarinet and joined the home’s brass band. They played at socials, picnics and funerals for a small fee. At 18 he got a ...

  5. 25. Aug. 2023 · Der Teenager lebt abwechselnd bei seiner Mutter, seinem Vater oder im Colored Waif’s Home for Boys. Der Musiklehrer des Heims lässt das 13-jährige Talent erstmals eine Band leiten. Zwischenzeitlich versucht Louis sich erfolglos als Zuhälter einer Prostituierten namens Nootsy, erkennt aber rechtzeitig, dass Musik für ihn der Ausweg aus ...

  6. › jazz › educationSI LA Edu Kit 24-47

    school for boys,the Colored Waifs Home. There he was taught to play the cornet by the school’s band director,Peter Davis. He joined the marching band and led his schoolmates in parades.He left the Waifs Home after a year and worked on junk wagons selling coal for a Jewish family,the Karnofskys. The family treated him kindly, and he developed ...

  7. On New Year’s Eve 1912, he was arrested and sent to the Colored Waif’s Home for Boys. There, under the tutelage of Peter Davis, he learned how to properly play the cornet, eventually becoming the leader of the Waif’s Home Brass Band. Released from the Waif’s Home in 1914, Armstrong set his sights on becoming a professional musician ...