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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. Bestuurskunde. In de masteropleiding Bestuurskunde aan de Radboud Universiteit bestudeer je het functioneren en de inrichting van organisaties in en om het openbaar bestuur. De master leidt op tot publiek manager: iemand die met een brede kennis over de werking en...

  2. Dutch Language and Culture. Add to comparison tool. Bachelor's NL. During the Bachelor’s programme in Dutch Language and Culture you will study Dutch literature from the past and from the present. You will also examine language acquisition issues, learn to analyse texts and develop good writing skills.

  3. In the Master's specialisation in Marketing, you will learn all about creating long-term sustainable relations in relation to corporate social responsibility. Marketing is all about creating value for customers and other stakeholders. And these other stakeholders are not just shareholders or other players that have a financial interest.

  4. Theses as example. Other people's theses can help you write your own. You can find examples in the thesis repository. Not all theses are included in the thesis repository. This depends on the field of study.

  5. Welcome to the Radboud Educational Repository. Here the Radboud University presents theses written by students affiliated with the various bachelor and master programmes offered at the Radboud University, as well as papers written by students of the Radboud Honours Academy.

  6. Team Studievoorlichting helpt je graag verder met al je vragen over voorlichtingsactiviteiten. Bereikbaar op werkdagen tussen 9.00 en 17.00 uur. App naar +31 6 25 31 90 96 of mail of bel ons: +31 24 36 12345. Heb je interesse in een bachelor, pre-master of master aan de Radboud Universiteit?

  7. Business Administration. Ons programma in Business Administration is ontworpen om jou de vaardigheden bij te brengen om organisatiestrategieën en -structuren te ontwerpen en te implementeren met als doel sociale en economische waarde te creëren. De focus ligt op verantwoordelijke organisaties, waarbij de nadruk wordt gelegd op manieren waarop ...