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  1. Rent Orloff Against the Invisible Man (aka La vie amoureuse de l'homme invisible) (1970) film for FREE as part of our trial offer. Read reviews, check member ratings of Orloff Against the Invisible Man (aka La vie amoureuse de l'homme invisible) movie.

  2. There are actually TWO wonderful films on this blu ray - "Dr. Orloff's Invisible Horror" (this print has the "Secret Love Life of the Invisible Man" title card), and "Scream of the Demon Lover." The good news is, these movies are perfect together on a double feature; both were filmed in 1970, both are set in authentic Medieval castles, both have tons of late-night, spooky atmosphere.

    • DVD
  3. The invisible man-thing of the title isn’t the focal point of the film until the final reel, his longest scene being the rape of the young housemaid in a stable (the sight of an invisible character indulging in the sex act has to be seen to be believed). This and his brief reveal are the film’s most eccentric moments. This is a definite ...

    • DVD
  4. Indirectly inserted into Franco's iconic the Orloff cycle, 'Orloff against the invisible man' finds devilishly suave euorocult icon, Howard Vernon on mesmerizingly macabre form as the maniacal professor Orloff. Quite rightly maligned for its sluggish pace, rudimentary FX, and lurid lapses into garish ineptitude, nonetheless, there's plentifully skewed entertainment to be found in Chevalier's ...

  5. 7. Juli 2017 · That Awful Dr. Orlof gains a second “F,” but loses usual director Jess Franco, in Orloff Against the Invisible Man, fifth or so in the loosely bound sex-science series, depending on whom you ask. Having received vague word that someone has fallen ill at Professor Orloff’s castle, Dr. Garondet (Paco Valladares) wants to get there to render aid, yet requires assistance.

  6. 10. Nov. 2003 · The real problem was the action - or lack of it. Most of the film seemed to be taken up with the characters walking very slowly along corridors or just staring. As for the invisible man when he finally makes his appearance - well, there are no words. The UK DVD runs for 76 minutes and aspect ratio is 1.66:1. The original French language has ...

  7. 5. Sept. 2021 · Sollte man Paul Verhoevens Hollow Man – Unsichtbare Gefahr (2000) gesehen haben, so dürfte man schon eine ziemlich genaue Vorstellung davon haben, was die unsichtbare Bedrohung hier noch so alles anrichten könnte. Allerdings nicht bevor man eine lange Rückblende präsentiert bekommt, in der Orloff den Doc darüber aufklärt, wie er zu seiner wissenschaftlichen Errungenschaft gekommen ist ...