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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. Emilio De Bono (født 19. mars 1866 i Cassano d'Adda i Lombardia i Italia, død 11. januar 1944 i Verona i Veneto i Italia) var en italiensk general i første verdenskrig og en fascistisk aktivist som hjalp til med å organisere det italienske fascistpartiet.

  2. 埃米利奥·德·博诺(Emilio De Bono,1866年3月19日——1944年1月11日),意大利将领,在侵略埃塞俄比亚的战争中,他和鲁道夫·格拉齐亚尼相继被提升为陆军元帅。1884年从军。第一次世界大战期间对奥地利作战有功。墨索里尼执政后任警察总监和法西斯国民军司令,后任的黎波里塔尼亚总督。1935年第二 ...

  3. Emilio Del Bono (Brescia, 26 novembre 1965) è un politico italiano, sindaco di Brescia dal 12 giugno 2013 al 31 marzo 2023. È stato deputato alla Camera per tre legislature : la XIII , la XIV e la XV , ricoprendo vari incarichi parlamentari.

  4. Emilio De Bono (19 March 1866 – 11 January 1944) was an Italian general, fascist activist, marshal, and member of the Fascist Grand Council (Gran Consiglio del Fascismo). De Bono fought in the Italo-Turkish War, the First World War and the Second Italo-Abyssinian War.

  5. General Emilio De Bono was the commander-in-chief of all Italian armed forces in East Africa. In addition, he was the commander-in-chief of the forces invading from Eritrea, the "northern front". De Bono had under his direct command a force of nine divisions in three Army Corps: The Italian I Corps, the Italian II Corps, and the Eritrean Corps.

  6. Emilio De Bono (19 March 1866 – 11 January 1944) was an Italian general, fascist activist, marshal, and member of the Fascist Grand Council (Gran Consiglio del Fascismo). De Bono fought in the Italo-Turkish War , the First World War and the Second Italo-Abyssinian War .

  7.  Emilio De Bono (19 March 1866 – 11 January 1944) was an Italian general, fascist activist, marshal, and member of the Fascist Grand Council (Gran Consiglio del Fascismo). De Bono fought in the Italo-Turkish War, the First World War and the Second Italo-Abyssinian War.