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  1. Als Sohn Aga Khans II. und einer persischen Adeligen in Karatschi (damals Britisch-Indien, heute Pakistan) geboren, war Aga Khan III. früh auf religiöse und politische Funktionen vorbereitet worden. Zum Schulbesuch wurde er ans englische Elite-College Eton gesandt, zum Studium nach Cambridge. Tatsächlich war er später auch in weltlichen ...

  2. 3. Nov. 2016 · On the birthday of Imam Sultan Muhammad Shah Aga Khan III, an abbreviated timeline of some of his great accomplishments is given below: 1897 – Knight Commander of the Indian Empire by Queen Victoria. 1899 – Star of Persia by the Shah of Persia. 1907-1914 – Founding Member and President of the All-India Muslim League.

  3. According to Islamuddin in The Aga Khan III (Islamabad, 1978, p. 22), "It was he, who, translated the dream of Sir Syed Ahmed Khan into reality, by raising the status of Aligarh College into a great Muslim University." Sirdar Ikbal Ali Shah states in The Prince Aga Khan (London, 1933, p. 65) that, "It was Sir Syed Ahmed who founded Aligarh ...

  4. 29. Dez. 2002 · Die schiitische Glaubensgemeinschaft der Ismailiten gilt als Avantgarde unter den Muslimen. Karim Aga Khan IV. führt seine 20 Millionen Anhänger wie ein Papst, Wohltäter und Konzernherr in die ...

  5. The Aga Khan succeeded his grandfather, Sir Sultan Mahomed Shah Aga Khan, as Imam of the Shia Ismaili Muslims in 1957 at the age of 20. Since taking on his role in 1957, he has dedicated his efforts to improving the quality of life of the most vulnerable populations, while emphasising the view of Islam as a thinking, spiritual faith: one that teaches compassion and tolerance and that upholds ...

  6. 13. Mai 2020 · Even Aga Khan I and Aga Khan II are known to have had close relations with the respective Ni‘matullahi qutbs of their time. In whatever manner such ideas were exchanged among these important figures, it remains clear that work and service became twin pillars in Aga Khan III’s interpretive tendency, providing a medium for the devoted believer by which to sacrifice the self for others and to ...

  7. 1. Nov. 2020 · The 2nd of November, 2020 marks the 143rd birth anniversary of Imam Sultan Mahomed Shah, Aga Khan III. He succeeded his father as the 48th hereditary Imam of the Ismaili sect of Shia Muslims at the tender age of eight. He was a founding member of the Aligarh University, which became India’s first Muslim university based on the modern education system. He also served as the President of the ...