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  1. 22. Aug. 2023 · They were selected by I. G. Farben chemist Otto Ambros to produce synthetic rubber, oil, and, reportedly, uranium. Otto Ambros was a German chemist and Nazi war criminal who worked on synthetic rubber and nerve agents. The Nuremberg Military Tribunals found him guilty of crimes against humanity for employing slave labor from the Auschwitz III ...

  2. IG Farben-Manager Otto Ambros, ein Schulfreund von Heinrich Himmler, ließ zehntausende KZ-Häftlinge unter grausamsten Bedingungen auf der Buna-Baustelle in Auschwitz arbeiten.

  3. 26. Okt. 2020 · Description. Otto Ambros (1901-1990) was a German chemist and Nazi war criminal. His wartime work included researching synthetic rubber (polybutadiene) and creating nerve agents (sarin and tabun). After the war, he was tried for crimes against humanity at the Nuremberg trials. He was convicted for his use of of slave labor from Auschwitz III ...

  4. Otto Ambros (19 May 1901 – 23 July 1990) was a German chemist and Nazi war criminal. He is known for his wartime work on synthetic rubber (polybutadiene, or "Buna rubber") and nerve agents (sarin and tabun). After the war he was tried at Nuremberg and convicted of crimes against humanity for his use of slave labor from the Auschwitz III–Monowitz concentration camp

  5. Dr. med. Otto Ambros. Maroltingergasse 54, 1160 Wien Vita - Dr. med. Otto Ambros. Persönliche Daten. Geboren 1960 in Wien, verheiratet, 4 Kinder. Ausbildungen: 1984 Promotion zum an der Universität Wien 1984-1992 Dauersekundararzt und Ausbi ...

  6. Im Rahmen des Schnellplans wurde Streeck im Zweiten Weltkrieg Mitarbeiter des IG-Farben-Vorstandsmitglieds Otto Ambros. 1942 war er an der Planung und dem Aufbau des I.G.-Werkes Auschwitz beteiligt, zwei Jahre später wurde er dort Abteilungsleiter der im Aufbau befindlichen Zwischenprodukte-Abteilung.

  7. He hired Martin Staemmler, a medical doctor and leading proponent of the Nazi eugenics programme, as head of pathology, as well as Heinz Baumkötter, the chief medical officer at the Sachsenhausen concentration camp, and Otto Ambros, a chemist and Nazi war criminal. Ambros was the chairman of Grünenthal's advisory committee during the development of thalidomide and was a board member when ...