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  1. Herbert Marcuse’s essay Repressive Tolerance (RP) has been praised by the Left and vilified by the Right for its alleged promotion of censorship targeting reactionary opinions and actions. I argue that this interpretation of the text is mistaken. According to my alternative reading of the text, RP should be understood as an exercise in provocation and irony aimed at defending civil ...

  2. La tolérance répressive, par Herbert Marcuse. La tolérance est une fin en soi. L’élimination de la violence, la réduction de la répression dans les proportions requises pour protéger l’homme et les animaux de la cruauté et de l’agression sont des conditions préalables à la création d’une société humaine. Une telle société ...

  3. 3. Feb. 2021 · Repressive Tolerance Series, Part 3 of 4. In this third part of James Lindsay’s lecture series on Herbert Marcuse’s “Repressive Tolerance,” we see how the essay takes a particularly dark turn. Having set up the framing of the essay in the first part and explaining the condition of the “administered society” in the second, Marcuse ...

  4. Repressive Tolerance Herbert Marcuse (1965) This essay is dedicated to my students at Brandeis University — H.M. Footnotes and Endnotes added by Arun Chandra This essay examines the idea of tolerance in our ad-vanced industrial society. The conclusion reached is that the realization of the objective of tolerance would call

  5. 6 « Le Grand refus, écrit Jean-Michel Palmier, c’est le refus de tous les mythes qui servent l’oppression, c’est le refus des désespérés, de ceux qui rêvent d’une libération ici et maintenant et qui refusent en bloc le système » [39] [39] Jean-Michel Palmier, Herbert Marcuse et la nouvelle gauche, op.….

  6. It is the central premise of this book, which critically examines Herbert Marcuse’s concept of the “Great Refusal” and its relevance for understanding contemporary social movements. The idea for this book was born in 2011, amid the Occupy movement, at the “Critical Refusals” conference in Philadelphia organized by the International ...

  7. En écrivant « Tolérance répressive » en 1964, Herbert Marcuse ose chambouler la philosophie en général et la théorie critique en particulier. Voici quelques extraits significatifs : « Ce qui est proclamé et pratiqué aujourd’hui sous le nom de tolérance sert au contraire la cause de l’oppression. Le fait qu’on tolère la ...