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  1. Vor 2 Tagen · By Elisha Sauers on July 6, 2024. NASA’s Juno spacecraft observes Io, a Jupiter moon that is considered the most volcanic world in our solar system. Credit: NASA illustration. When NASA 's Juno ...

  2. Vor 21 Stunden · Info Cultural - Știri și informații culturale. Oferim o privire cuprinzătoare asupra lumii culturale, cu un accent pe diversitate și profunzime. De la analize detaliate la articole de ultimă oră, misiunea noastră este să aducem în prim-plan evenimente și personalități care modelează scena culturală.

  3. › learning-resources › for-students-grades-5-8For Students Grades 5-8 - NASA

    1. Juli 2024 · The NASA International Space Apps Challenge is a hackathon for coders, scientists, designers, storytellers, makers, technologists, and innovators around the world to come together and use open data from NASA and its Space Agency Partners to create solutions to challenges we face on Earth and in space. Event Date: Oct. 5-6.

  4. 29. Juni 2024 · Juno’s JIRAM tool came via Italy’s space agency, Agenzia Spaziale Italiana. According to Mura, lead author of the Io paper, the probe’s flybys expose the most common type of volcanism on ...

  5. 29. Juni 2024 · Hunderte von Vulkanen spucken Lavafontänen aus. Dutzende von Meilen über seiner Oberfläche, laut NASA. Infrarottechnik an Bord der Sonde Juno der Raumfahrtbehörde kartierte im Februar zwei solcher Ausbrüche und lieferte wertvolle Daten zu den mysteriösen Vorkommnissen unter Ios Oberfläche. Forscher teilten ihre Erkenntnisse zu dieser ...

  6. 29. Juni 2024 · NASA's Juno mission might have originally been all about Jupiter, but its extended mission has the spacecraft observing the gas giant's moons — and it's making some pretty interesting discoveries.

  7. Vor 21 Stunden · Mit den Daten der Jupiter-Raumsonde Juno hat ein Forschungsteam die Oberfläche des Mondes Io kartiert. Drei Prozent davon sind Lavaseen.