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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. Überblick. Gresham’s ist eine Tages- und Internatsschule für Jungen und Mädchen. Sie liegt auf einem 60 Hektar großen, wunderschönen Gelände auf dem Land am Rande der georgianischen Marktgemeinde Holt und ist nur 6,5 km von der atemberaubenden nördlichen Küste von Norfolk entfernt. Die Schule setzt auf britische Werte in einer ...

  2. Boarding. Boarding is at the heart of Gresham’s Prep School and all pupils have the option to board, whether full time, weekly or flexi boarding. Dyson House has two separate boarding wings for boys and girls and boarders come together for meals and evening activities each day. We also have two homely social spaces for the pupils to use ...

  3. Wer mehr und Detaillierteres über die Gresham’s School erfahren möchte, sollte einfach mal unverbindlich bei Töchter und Söhne anrufen: 0611 – 180 5882 oder uns eine E-Mail schicken. Die Beraterinnen freuen sich, ihr Wissen und ihre Erfahrung zu teilen und mit Ihnen zu besprechen, ob Gresham’s nicht eine Option für Ihr Kind sein könnte.

  4. School Shop opening hours (Term Time): Please contact Miranda, Tracy or Sarah by telephone during shop opening hours on 01263 714591 or by email at, for guidance, to make an appointment or place an order which you can collect from the shop later. During holidays, response times are longer but please be patient and you will ...

  5. 18. Nov. 2023 · On average Gresham’s provides £2.5m worth of bursaries and financial support a year, benefitting 200 pupils. 1,000 children from local schools have made use of the school’s existing Dyson STEAM Building, which opened last year, in workshops provided by the school and there are plans for local children to use the new Prep School campus.

  6. Farfield was the third House to be built at Gresham’s in 1911, located a small distance away from the centre of the school. It was opened in 1911 as part of a surge of renewal and expansion at Gresham’s led by George Howson and the first Housemaster, Major JC Miller. Boys were relocated there from a smaller house called Bengal Lodge.

  7. Tallis Boarding House was named after Thomas Tallis who was Headmaster of Gresham’s from 1606 to 1640. The building, which is a purpose-built boarding house, was opened on the 21st September 1963 by Sir Colin Anderson, Prime Warden of the Fishmongers’ Company. Dormitory accommodation is available for Year 9 boys and good-sized individual ...