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  1. The answer is that technically speaking, it’s not wrong. But people has become the more common word to use when referring to person in the plural form. In fact, some style guides explicitly state not to use the word persons. People and persons have Latin roots. People came from the word “populus,” which means “the people” or “nation

  2. 1 Person, 2 people. Das englische person ist gleichbedeutend mit dem deutschen Person. Wir können damit einen Mann, eine Frau oder ein Kind bezeichnen. Person hat im Englischen eine unregelmäßige Pluralbildung; der Plural lautet people. Look at that person over there. What is he doing? Oh, it’s actually two people.

  3. Arti 'person to person' adalah sebuah frasa yang digunakan untuk menggambarkan komunikasi atau transaksi yang dilakukan secara langsung antara dua orang. Frasa ini termasuk dalam kategori frasa benda. Contoh kalimat dalam bahasa Inggris: "I prefer to have a person to person conversation rather than communicating through emails." (Saya lebih ...

  4. person-to-person. From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English ˌperson-to-ˈperson adjective [ only before noun] involving communication between people Email provides a way of sending person-to-person messages almost instantaneously. Examples from the Corpus person-to-person • Sometimes, such defences can be almost impossible to break ...

  5. person-to-personとは。意味や和訳。[形]〔通例限定〕1 ((米))〈電話が〉指名(通話)のa person-to-person call指名通話2 ひざ詰めの;直接の━━[副]1 ((米))指名通話で2 差し向かいで - 80万項目以上収録、例文・コロケーションが豊富な無料英和和英辞典。

  6. Crecimiento de Person To Person. Nacimos como un call center en 2006. Con la suma de talento humano, procesos eficientes y tecnología de punta, nos hemos convertido en el proveedor líder de soluciones BPO (Business Process Outsourcing) y CEM (Customer Experience Management). Damos servicios al Mercado internacional con los más altos ...

  7. Alle Unternehmen und natürliche Personen sind von den Vorschriften abhängig. person, plural: persons n (law: juristic person) (Rechtswesen) Rechtsperson Nf : All persons having anything to do with this case should remain in court. Alle Rechtspersonen, die mit diesem Fall zu tun haben, sollten im Gericht bleiben. person n (grammar ...