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  1. 14. Mai 2024 · John Calvin Coolidge Jr. was born in Plymouth Notch, Vermont, on July 4, 1872. After graduating from Amherst College with honors, Coolidge studied law and opened a law practice in Northampton, Massachusetts. On October 4, 1905, Coolidge married Grace Anna Goodhue, a teacher at the Clarke School for the Deaf. They had two sons, one of whom died at the age of 16.

  2. Wenn du zehn Probleme auf der Straße auf dich zukommen siehst, kannst du sicher sein, daß neun in den Graben fahren, bevor sie dich erreichen. (Das hat einst Calvin Coolidge, der 30. Präsident der USA, festgestellt. Ich habe mir diesen Satz mehr als einmal während der Bauphase vorgesagt. Und zum Glück ist es genau so gekommen!)

  3. John F. Kennedy (1961-1963) John Calvin Coolidge Jr. was the 30th President of the United States. A Republican lawyer, he gained political experience in Massachusetts by being the state governor. He had been known by his methods during the Boston Police Strike of the year 1919 before becoming the country’s twenty-ninth Vice President in 1920.

  4. In his first year in the White House, Coolidge had the company of Calvin, Jr. but after his death, the White House was childless. The Coolidges' older son, John, was seventeen and a trainee at a citizen's military camp at Fort Devens, Massachusetts, when Coolidge became President. He spent the presidential years as a student at Amherst College.

  5. 12. Okt. 2019 · Coolidge was born to John Calvin Coolidge, a farmer and storekeeper, and Victoria Josephine Moor. His father was a justice of the peace and actually delivered the oath of office to his son when he won the presidency. His mother died when Coolidge was 12. He had one sister named Abigail Gratia Coolidge, who sadly died at age 15.

  6. Calvin Coolidge nacque il 4 luglio 1872 a Plymouth, nel Vermont, da una famiglia di agricoltori: suo padre, John Calvin Coolidge Sr., era un contadino benestante che svolse anche numerosi incarichi pubblici locali (come quello di giudice di pace e di esattore fiscale), oltre a essere membro delle istituzioni del suo Stato natale; sua madre, Victoria Josephine Moore, era anch'essa di famiglia ...

  7. John Calvin Coolidge verstarb am 5. Januar 1933 in Northampton unerwartet an einem Herzinfarkt. Im Wahlkampfjahr 1923 nutzte Coolidge modernste Techniken für seine Präsidentschaftskampagne. Er machte beispielsweise landesweite Hörfunkdurchsagen, um Wählerstimmen zu sammeln und gewann auf diese Weise schließlich die Wahl.