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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. Du möchtest einen unvergesslichen Schüleraustausch an der Phillips Academy in den USA erleben? Hier findest du alle Infos zu deinem Auslandsjahr, vom Fächerangebot bis zur Freizeitgestaltung!

  2. › admission › visitVisiting Andover

    To schedule a campus tour and interview, you must complete the Candidate Profile (Part One of the application) on the Gateway to Prep Schools website and submit it to Phillips Academy. You will then receive an email 24 hours after your submission with your application portal login credentials. Using your application portal login credentials, you will be able to access the on-campus visit schedule.

  3. Phillips Academy Andover also have 80% of faculties whose degrees are master and above. Phillips Academy Andover is one of the U.S. boarding schools that boasts exceptional selectivity, with a usual rate of 13%. In 2016, its acceptance rate was held lowest among the top 4 boarding schools for competitiveness with acceptance rate lower than 15%.

  4. 1778年創立の全米のボーディングスクールの中でも常にランキングでランクされる名門校、進級には水泳25ヤード(約22メートル)を泳ぐなど、スポーツにも力を入れている。また優秀な生徒が家庭の事情で学費の支払いが出来なく、入学をサポートする仕組みがあります。

  5. 菲利普斯學院 (英語: Phillips Academy ,簡稱 PA ,又稱 安多弗 )是一所 私立 預科學校 ,提供9-12年級以及高中卒業後一年(PG)的寄宿和走讀教育。. 該校位於 美國 麻薩諸塞州 埃塞克斯縣 的 安多弗鎮 。. 菲利普斯學院有約1,150名學生,來自52個 國家 和43個 ...

  6. In 2013, The Phillips Academy received a 6 year accreditation by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges. Our program was highly acclaimed for its dedicated staff and student support and for its individualized programming. Our schoolwide action plan for improvement included acquiring and integrating technology into our instruction. We accomplished this goal with the issuance of ...