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  1. Hermann Minkowski (22. červen 1864 Aleksotas – 12. leden 1909 Göttingen) byl matematik německo-polsko-židovského původu narozený v Kaunasu. Proslul především rozpracováním tzv. geometrické teorie čísel , tj. převedením a vyřešením některých problémů z teorie čísel metodami klasické geometrie .

  2. Hermann Minkowski was Einstein's most important mathematics teacher at the Federal Institute of Technology in Zürich. Einstein took nine courses from Minkowski, more than from anyone else including the professor of physics Heinrich F. Weber.3 By the time he graduated in 1900, however, Einstein had

  3. 21. Nov. 2009 · Hermann Minkowski was a mathematical physicist who believed that beauty and elegance were important in the mathematical expression of physical principles. Among his most important works and the work for which his name is, perhaps, best known is his beautiful reformulation of Einstein’s special relativity theory. The mathematical ideas and techniques introduced by Minkowski were fundamental ...

  4. To address these worries and to help change the present situation in fundamental physics the major raison d'être of the Institute for Foundational Studies "Hermann Minkowski" is to employ a research strategy, which identifies, synthesizes and develops the successful methods behind the greatest discoveries in physics. In this sense the Minkowski Institute is without a counterpart in the world.

  5. 5. Feb. 2013 · Hermann Minkowski’s contribution proved to be of paramount importance in both respects. His adaptation of Einstein’s theory from the perspective of someone who was at ease with the most advanced mathematical theories and concepts of the time further helped to carve out the conceptual core and lasting innovation of the special theory of relativity. Had he not died, unexpectedly and ...

  6. 14. Feb. 2018 · Abstract. A century ago, David Hilbert stepped to the podium at a special meeting of the Göttingen Academy of Sciences to recall the achievements of his close friend Hermann Minkowski. Just one month earlier, on 12 January 1909, the 43-year-old Minkowski had died unexpectedly after suffering a ruptured appendix, leaving those close to him in a ...

  7. Zum 150. Geburtstag von Hermann Minkowski Yuri Tschinkel Hermann Minkowski Heers Hermann Minkowski wurde vor 150 Jahren, am 22. Juni 1864 geboren. Er ent-stammte einer jüdischen Fa-milie mit Wurzeln in Osteuro-pa. Einer seiner Vorfahren war Baruch ben Jakob aus Shklov, ein Richter in Minsk, mit Nei-gung zur Medizin. Nach um-fangreichen Reisen ...