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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. 15. Dez. 2018 · 6. 2 Min. M it gleich fünf Trophäen ist das polnische Liebesdrama „Cold War“ der große Gewinner beim Europäischen Filmpreis. Regisseur Pawel Pawlikowski nahm am Samstagabend in Sevilla ...

  2. Cold War – Der Breitengrad der Liebe ist heute auf Platz 6351 in den täglichen JustWatch Streaming-Charts. Der Film ist seit gestern in den Charts 5014 Plätze nach oben gerückt. In Deutschland ist er derzeit beliebter als Seine Mutter und ich, aber weniger beliebt als Eiskalt: Mord, Kaffee und Jessica Wongso.

    • 88 Min.
  3. Cold War - Der Breitengrad der Liebe Kinostart: 22.11.2018 Streaming Start: 25.03.2019 Genre: Drama, Liebe, Musik FSK: Ab 12 Jahren Filmlänge: 88 Min.

    • 2 Min.
  4. 27. Nov. 2018 · VINCITORE DI 5 European Film Awards tra cui Miglior Film, Miglior Regia e Miglior Attrice, COLD WAR è il nuovo film del regista Premio Oscar Pawel Pawlikowsk...

    • 2 Min.
    • 102,9K
    • Lucky Red
  5. Recensione di Cold War, dalla lista 500 Film da Vedere Prima di Morire. Cold War è una storia d'amore raccontata attraverso la musica. Melodie lamentose e strazianti intonate da contadini polacchi del dopoguerra, o da bambini grottescamente solenni, o da donne piegate dalla fatica del loro lavoro, ognuna su amori impossibili e su passioni dilanianti.

  6. 12. Jan. 2024 · The lasting appeal of these Cold War films goes beyond cinematic excellence, as they also serve as a captivating reflection of the era's historical significance. As they delve into the intricacies of the period, they offer a captivating window into a bygone time filled with tension, stakes, and compelling narratives. Whether viewed as riveting ...

  7. In creating this list, I chose only movies that I’ve seen and only movies that I rated as either great (10, 9) or pretty good (8, 7). In addition to the main 1998 Cold War documentary, I included some other documentaries that are either excellent or shed light on forgotten or lesser-known aspects of the Cold War (such as Eastern Bloc musicals in East Side Story and Khrushchev’s 1959 visit ...