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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. Aelia Eudoxia. 395-401 n. Chr. Freiburg, Institut für Christliche Archäologie und Byzantinische Kunstgeschichte Fundmünzen. Inventarnummer. 401. Vorderseite. AELIA EVDO-XIA AV[G]. Drapierte Panzerbüste der Aelia Eudoxia mit Diadem nach r. Sie wird von ...

  2. Aelia Eudoxia (n. secolul al IV-lea d.Hr. – d. 6 octombrie 404 d.Hr., Constantinopol, Imperiul Roman de Răsărit) o împărăteasă a Imperiului Roman de Răsărit, soția lui Arcadius și inamica arhiepiscopului Ioan Gură de Aur .

  3. Aelia Eudoxia. Augusta, AE 18 mm. Cyzicus mint. Image: Click to zoom. Seller. Shick Coins. 10. On MA-Shops since 10 years. 161 ratings, 100 % Positive (last 24 months) Worldwide shipping . Price. 123.14 US$ 115,00 EUR. Quantity 1 . Add to cart. Import tax ...

  4. Brian P. Sowers. In Her Own Words: The Life and Poetry of Aelia Eudocia is the first full-length study to examine Eudocia’s writings as a unified whole and to situate them within their wider fifth-century literary, social, and religious contexts. Responsible for over 3,000 lines of extant poetry, Eudocia is one of the best-preserved ancient ...

  5. Licinia Eudoxia: Otec: Leontius: Některá data mohou pocházet z datové položky. Aelia Eudocia Augusta (asi 401 – 20. nebo 21. října 460) byla císařovna Východořímské říše a manželka Theodosia II. Původně se jmenovala Athenais. Narodil ...

  6. In June 421, Theodosius married Aelia Eudocia, a woman of Greek origin.[3][4][5][6][7] The two had a daughter named Licinia Eudoxia. Theodosius' increasing interest in Christianity, fueled by the influence of Pulcheria, had him start a war against the Sassanids (421–422), who were persecuting Christians; the war ended in a draw, when the Romans were forced to accept peace as the Huns menaced ...

  7. Aelia Eudoxia (bahasa Yunani: Αιλία Ευδοξία; †6 Oktober 404) merupakan seorang permaisuri Romawi melalui pernikahannya dengan Kaisar Romawi Arcadius. Pernikahan tersebut menjadi sumber beberapa kontroversi, karena diatur oleh Eutropius , salah satu pejabat kasim , yang berusaha memperluas pengaruhnya, dan siapa yang kemudian dia eksekusi.