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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. BRUNSWICK, KARL WILHELM FERDINAND, Duke of (1735–1806), German general, was born on the 9th of October 1735 at Wolfenbüttel. He received an unusually wide and thorough education, and travelled in his youth in Holland, France and various parts of Germany.

  2. Unzelmann, Karl Wilhelm Ferdinand. Unzelmann, Karl Wilhelm Ferdinand. Schauspieler. * 1.7.1753 Braunschweig, † 21.4.1832 Berlin. 1771 Schauspieldebüt in Güstrow. Von 1774 bis 1781 Mitglied der Doebbelin’schen Theatergesellschaft. Außer durch seine Darstellungskunst überzeugte U. auf der Bühne auch durch sängerische und tänzerische ...

  3. Karl Friedrich Pockels (* 15. November 1757 in Wörmlitz bei Halle; † 29. Oktober 1814 in Braunschweig) war ein deutscher populär-philosophischer Schriftsteller, Genderforscher und braunschweigischer Hofrat. Er wurde als Biograph Herzog Karl Wilhelm Ferdinands bekannt.

  4. Karl Wilhelm Ferdinand (* 22. Juni 1821, † 1897), auf Wunsch der Mutter Kaufmann, dann Bankier in Paris und Amsterdam, ⚭ Julie Schöffer (1839–1917), Eltern des Ministers Carl Heinrich Becker (1876‒1933), Großeltern des Bildungsforscher Hellmut Becker (1913‒1993) [16]

  5. Tweet. Karl Wilhelm Ferdinand, duke of Brunswick (1735-1806), was an experienced military leader who proved to be unable to cope with the armies of both Revolutionary and Napoleonic France, suffering key defeats at Valmy in 1792 and Auerstädt in 1806. Karl Wilhelm Ferdinand was the son of Karl, duke of Brunswick.

  6. Karl Wilhelm Ferdinand Solger, the German romantic philosopher, was born in Schwedt. He studied jurisprudence, philology, and philosophy at the University of Halle and at Jena, where he heard Friedrich von Schelling lecture. After some time in the Prussian civil service, he lectured on philosophy at the University of Frankfurt an der Oder (1809 ...

  7. During the Napoleonic Wars, he was mortally wounded by a musket ball in 1806. Sculptor (s):Franz Pönninger. (1832 – 1906) was an Austrian sculptor and medallist. Description: Karl Wilhelm Ferdinand (1735–1806) and his son Friedrich Wilhelm (1771–1815) both held the title Duke of Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel. Their statues were recently re ...