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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. George Catlett Marshall ( Uniontown, 31 dicembre 1880 – Washington, 16 ottobre 1959) è stato un generale e politico statunitense . Grande organizzatore e stratega militare, assunse nel 1939 la carica di capo di stato maggiore dell' Esercito degli Stati Uniti, mantenendo l'incarico per tutta la seconda guerra mondiale e divenendo il ...

  2. George Marshall (1880-1959), sekretarz stanu Stanów Zjednoczonych (1947–1949) Oznakowanie umieszczane na paczkach pomocowych. Plan Marshalla (oficjalna nazwa ang. European Recovery Program, pol. Program Odbudowy Europy) – plan Stanów Zjednoczonych mający służyć odbudowie gospodarki krajów Europy Zachodniej po II wojnie światowej, obejmujący pomoc w postaci surowców mineralnych ...

  3. The Marshall Plan for Peace . George Marshall won the Peace Prize for a plan aimed at the economic recovery of Western Europe after World War II. Marshall began his military career in the American forces of occupation in the Philippines in 1902. During World War I he trained American troops in Europe. In the inter-war years he served for a ...

  4. George Marshall learned much through taking part in both world wars. This gave him a major role in dealing with the conflict between the USA and Soviet Union after 1945, as secretary of state and, later, of defence. After the 1949 rise to power of Communists in China and the attack on South Korea by Communist North Korea a year later, Marshall was criticised for being “soft on communism ...

  5. Das Marshall Center, das 1993 gegründet wurde, ist ein angesehenes Institut für internationale Sicherheits- und Verteidigungsstudien, das den Dialog und das Verständnis zwischen den Nationen Nordamerikas, Europas und Eurasiens fördert. Das Marshall Center hat es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht, Marshalls Vision auch im 21. Jahrhundert fortzuführen.

  6. George Catlett Marshall, cunoscut, mai ales, ca George Marshall (n. 31 decembrie 1880 - d. 16 octombrie 1959) a fost un general, diplomat și politician american , distins cu Premiul Nobel pentru Pace. S-a născut în familia unui prosper om de afaceri di ...

  7. George C. Marshall. General of the Army. December 31, 1880 – October 16, 1969. George C. Marshall, 1946. U.S. Army. It has been said that courage can be contagious. Those who served under General George C. Marshall would add that his additional characteristics—that of quiet dignity, effective communication, and the belief in the good of one ...