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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. Santa Maria Novella. Die von Leon Battista Alberti entworfene, 1470 fertiggestellte Renaissance-Fassade. Die Basilika Santa Maria Novella ist eine gotische Kirche und Klosteranlage in Florenz. Sie liegt im Nordwesten der Altstadt, an der Piazza Santa Maria Novella, gegenüber dem nach ihr benannten Bahnhof .

  2. 9. Mai 2024 · The Basilica of Santa Croce in Florence stands as a bastion of cultural and spiritual heritage, adorned with awe-inspiring Giotto frescoes and serving as the final resting place for luminaries like Michelangelo and Galileo. Its captivating beauty transcends mere architectural marvel, inviting visitors to delve deep into the renaissance soul of Florence.

  3. The event – the best-known and most frequently depicted episode in the saint's life – took place at La Verna in September 1224. It was depicted in Santa Croce by Coppo di Marcovaldo in the Bardi Altarpiece, by Giotto in the panel above the Bardi Altarpiece and by Taddeo Gaddi both in the stained-glass window in the Baroncelli Chapel (c ...

  4. 8. Apr. 2024 · Plan of the Basilica of Santa Croce (Florence). 1) First Cloister 2) Refectory 3) Pazzi Chapel 4) Choir 5) Bardi Chapel 6) Peruzzi Chapel 7) Sacristy 8) Rinuccini Chapel 9) Chapel of the Noviciate 10) Bardi di Vernio Chapel 11) Donatello "Annunciation" 12) Pulpit, by Benedetto da Maiano 13) Bernardo Rossellino "Tomb of Leonardo Bruni" 14) Desiderio da Settignano "Tomb of Carlo Marsuppini" 15 ...

  5. › wiki › FlorenzFlorenzWikipedia

    Florenz ist die Hauptstadt sowie größte Stadt der Region Toskana und der Metropolitanstadt Florenz, in der etwa eine Million Menschen leben. Florenz ist für seine Geschichte berühmt. Als Zentrum des spätmittelalterlichen europäischen Handels- und Finanzwesens war sie eine der reichsten Städte des 15. und 16. Jahrhunderts.

  6. Giovanni Niccolini, a powerful figure of taste and discernment in Florence at the time of Grand Duke Francesco I, commissioned the architect Giovan Antonio Dosio in 1579 to design a private chapel for him in Santa Croce. Dosio initially submitted a design based on Michelangelo's New Sacristy, and most of the masonry had been completed by 1582. Alessandro Allori worked on a panel of the

  7. 30. Dez. 2020 · Basilica of Santa Croce, Florence, 1294 and later; main chapel with fresco cycle of Agnolo Gaddi, Legend of the True Cross, ca. 1380.jpg 5,472 × 3,648; 12.87 MB Florence Basilica of Santa Croce (9809649293).jpg 3,683 × 2,492; 1.34 MB