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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. NAME: Guy Verhofstadt. COUNTRY: Belgium. TRIBE: Party powerbroker. POLITICAL GROUP: Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe. POSITION: ALDE party group leader. GENDER: Male. AGE: 63. Click here to return to the full listing of the 40 MEPs who actually matter, and click here for an explanation of what this ranking means.

  2. Profiloldal - Guy VERHOFSTADT - Kezdőlap. Európai Néppárt (Kereszténydemokraták) képviselőcsoport Szocialisták és Demokraták Progresszív Szövetsége az Európai Parlamentben képviselőcsoport Renew Europe képviselőcsoport Zöldek/Európai Szabad Szövetség képviselőcsoport Európai Konzervatívok és Reformerek képviselőcsoport Identitás és Demokrácia képviselőcsoport ...

  3. 27. Juni 2019 · Guy Verhofstadt is chief Brexit representative for the European parliament, a former prime minister of Belgium and leader of the Group of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe. July 2022.

  4. 21. Sept. 2023 · Guy Verhofstadt teljesen kiakadt Orbán Viktorra, megkongatta a vészharangot. Péter Alvarez. 2023.09.21. 19:50. Kövesse az Indexet Facebookon is! Követem! Guy Verhofstadt szerint Orbán Viktor veszélyezteti Európa szuverenitását. A liberális európai parlamenti (EP) képviselő arra reagált, hogy a magyar kormánypárti frakciók ...

  5. Profile page - Guy VERHOFSTADT - Profile page of a current Member of the European Parliament - History of parliamentary service during the 8th legislative term including memberships in political groups, national parties, parliamentary committees and delegations as well as parliamentary activities and the declaration of financial interests.

  6. 2. Dez. 2023 · A renowned figure in European politics, Mr Verhofstadt, former Prime Minister of Belgium and a distinguished member of the European Parliament since 2009, is the new President of the longest standing pro-European organization, which predates the European Union itself. Alongside Mr Verhofstadt, the European Movement International has also elected its Board for a 3-year mandate,

  7. Pagina de profil - Guy VERHOFSTADT - Prima pagină. Grupul Partidului Popular European (Creștin Democrat) Grupul Alianței Progresiste a Socialiștilor si Democraților din Parlamentul European Grupul Renew Europe Grupul Verzilor/Alianța Liberă Europeană Grupul Conservatorilor și Reformiștilor Europeni Grupul Identitate și Democrație Grupul Stângii din Parlamentul European - GUE/NGL ...