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  1. 18. Sept. 2024 · He could not do that with Ronnie Spector, however, because of her uniquely sexy voice. For all the fame that Phil Spector brought her, though, the producer also made her life a nightmare, limiting her career by refusing to allow her to perform in concert. His jealous, controlling nature left Ronnie a prisoner in her own home, which she ...

  2. Vor einem Tag · The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, established in 1983 and located in Cleveland, Ohio, United States, is dedicated to recording the history of some of the best-known and most influential musicians, bands, producers, and others that have in some major way influenced the music industry, particularly in the area of rock and roll. [1]

  3. 15. Sept. 2024 · Ronnie Spector (“Be My Baby”) is the first singer in my collection. There is a truth to this performance that is sustained. In that simple text you realize that she conveyed the dignity of our teenaged loneliness. She pleads, she promises, she puts it all on the line. Of course it is the melody doing the real work here, making the simple so ...

  4. 8. Sept. 2024 · Ronnie Spector, 1943–2022. Ronnie Spector, the lead singer of the Ronettes, the 1960s vocal trio that gave a passionate, bad-girl edge to pop’s girl-group sound with hits like “Be My Baby” and “Baby, I Love You,” died on Wednesday.

  5. Vor 3 Tagen · Die Rolling Stones, die am 12. Juli 1962 erstmals unter dem Namen The Rollin’ Stones in der Besetzung Mick Jagger (Gesang), Brian Jones (Gitarre), Keith Richards (Gitarre), Dick Taylor (Bass), Ian Stewart (Piano) und – vermutlich – Tony Chapman (Schlagzeug) im Marquee Club in der Londoner Oxford Street auftraten und hier vor etwa 100 Zuschauern fünf Coversongs vortrugen, haben in ihrer ...

  6. Vor 4 Tagen · Learn about the history, controversy, and legacy of "My Sweet Lord", a hit song by George Harrison inspired by Hindu spirituality.

  7. Vor 3 Tagen · Die Wikipedia besteht aus vielen Sprachversionen, wobei jede Sprachversion eine eigene Subdomain hat (zum Beispiel, und technisch ein eigenes Wiki darstellt. Die Sprachversionen sind weitgehend autark, was ihre Inhalte, Richtlinien und Organisatorisches angeht. Die enzyklopädischen Artikel werden in jeder Sprachversion individuell erstellt. Artikel zum ...