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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. 18. Juni 2023 · Revolution and Counter Revolution in Germany, 1852 by Karl Marx, edited by Eleanor Marx. A Bad Quarter of an Hour, by Wilhelm Liebknecht, translated by Eleanor Marx. The Story of the Life of Lord Palmerston, 1853 by Karl Marx, translated by Eleanor Marx. Diplomatic History of the 18th Century, 1857 by Karl Marx, translated by Eleanor Marx.

  2. › wiki › Eleanor_MarxEleanor Marx - Wikiquote

    The life of Eleanor Marx, 1855-1898: A Socialist Tragedy. Clarendon Press, 1967. p. 66; The daughters of Karl Marx. Family Correspondence 1866-1898. Olga Meier ed. André Deutsch 1982. p. 148 "Lieber, es wird bald vorüber sein." - Abschiedsbrief an ihren langjährigen Lebensgefährten Dr. Edward Aveling vor ihrem Selbstmord am 31.

  3. Eleanor Marx, nascuda com a Jenny Julia Eleanor Marx (Londres, 16 de gener de 1855 - Londres, 31 de març de 1898), filla de Karl Marx, va ser una activista política, militant socialista i autora marxista, a més de traductora literària, filòsofa i militant feminista que treballà per aconseguir el sufragi femení.

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  5. 16. Jan. 2023 · Published in 1886, Eleanor Marx co-wrote it with Edward Aveling, using as a starting point a commentary on the book Woman And Socialism (1879) by August Bebel. The Woman Question provides a theoretical and political reflection about the economic foundations of women’s oppresssion, arguing that social practices and behaviors by men and women under capitalism must not be seen as natural.

  6. 3. Mai 2020 · Eleanor Marx was born in London, where the Marx family had settled after exile from Germany in France and Belgium. She was the sixth and last child of Jenny von Westphalen and Karl Marx. Three of the six did not survive childhood. Eleanor’s two older sisters married French socialists and moved to France. Eleanor, who was described as political from head to toe, remained in Britain where she ...

  7. Eleanor Marx is one of the most tragically overlooked feminist intellectuals in history, usually overshadowed by her father, Karl Marx. But not only did she edit, translate, transcribe and collaborate with her father, she also spent her extraordinary life putting his ideas into practice as a labour organizer, feminist