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  1. 30. Aug. 2022 · Der schiitische Geistliche Muqtada al-Sadr hat seinen vollständigen Rückzug aus der irakischen Politik angekündigt. Im Land wird nun eine neue Eskalationsstufe der andauernden Proteste befürchtet.

  2. 16. Mai 2008 · Introduction. Muqtada al-Sadr is a young, fiercely anti-American messianic cleric and the head of the Mahdi Army, an armed militia that has waged an intermittent insurgency against U.S. and Iraqi ...

  3. 30. Aug. 2022 · Moqtada al-Sadr is the youngest son of the eminent Shia Muslim cleric Grand Ayatollah Muhammad Sadiq al-Sadr - who was assassinated in 1999, reportedly by agents of Saddam Hussein's regime. He was ...

  4. 16. Aug. 2021 · Introduction. Muqtada al-Sadr has demonstrated a remarkable capability for navigating the hazardous terrain of Iraqi politics. Beginning from a marginalised position in the Baghdad suburb of al-Thawra, he took on the powers-that-be, from the United States to the Shia religious authorities, withstood armed attacks from the government, came through a civil war, entered into electoral coalitions ...

  5. 30. Aug. 2022 · While cleric Muqtada al-Sadr’s resignation has sparked even more protests in Iraq, it is hard to tell what it portends for the country’s future. The election of Sadr supporters to parliament in October 2021 gave hope that their nationalist, non-sectarian agenda could break the impasse in Iraq’s political and economic development ...

  6. 8. Aug. 2022 · Following their shock victory in the 2021 elections, the Sadrists claimed they were poised to push Iraq towards a new type of politics. But after nine months of failing to form a government, their leader, populist cleric Muqtada al-Sadr, has seemingly given up and withdrawn from the government formation process.

  7. 30. Aug. 2022 · Supporters of Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr wave a national flag from the roof of the Government Palace during a demonstration in Baghdad, Iraq, Monday, Aug. 29, 2022. Al-Sadr, a hugely influential Shiite cleric announced he will resign from Iraqi politics and his angry followers stormed the government palace in response. The chaos Monday sparked fears that violence could erupt in a country ...