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  1. John Robert Schrieffer 1931-2019; Archives. John Robert Schrieffer 1931-2019. Join your Society. If you embrace scientific discovery, truth and integrity, partnership, inclusion, and lifelong curiosity, this is your professional home. Join now. Get involv ...

  2. John Robert Schrieffer was born in Oak Park, IL, on May 31, 1931, in the difficult aftermath of the Stock Market Crash of 1929. Since an early age, Schrieffer was fascinated by activities such as building amateur radios and constructing homemade rockets. These pastimes sparked his interest in sciences and, especially, electrical engineering.

  3. J. Robert Schrieffer (1931-2019) by Professors Nigel Goldenfeld, Eduardo Fradkin, and Gordon Baym for Illinois Physics. We are saddened to report that John Robert Schrieffer, Nobel laureate and alumnus of the Department of Physics at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, passed away on July 27, 2019, in Tallahassee, Florida. He was 88 ...

  4. John Robert Schrieffer (Oak Park, 31. svibnja 1931.), američki fizičar. Studirao na Massachusettskom tehnološkom institutu (MIT) u Cambridgeu i Illinoiskom sveučilištu u Urbani, gdje je i doktorirao 1957. Radeći na doktorskoj disertaciji, razvio je teoriju gubitka električnog otpora u metalima na niskim temperaturama.

  5. › wiki › BCS_theoryBCS theory - Wikipedia

    In physics, the Bardeen–Cooper–Schrieffer ( BCS) theory (named after John Bardeen, Leon Cooper, and John Robert Schrieffer) is the first microscopic theory of superconductivity since Heike Kamerlingh Onnes's 1911 discovery. The theory describes superconductivity as a microscopic effect caused by a condensation of Cooper pairs.

  6. 27. Juli 2019 · John Robert Schrieffer. The Nobel Prize in Physics 1972. Born: 31 May 1931, Oak Park, IL, USA. Died: 27 July 2019, Tallahassee, FL, USA. Affiliation at the time of the award: University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA. Prize motivation: “for their jointly developed theory of superconductivity, usually called the BCS-theory”.

  7. J ohn Robert (“Bob”) Schrieffer, one of the leading theoretical physicists of the past century, passed away on 27 July. He was 88. His seminal work with physi-cists John Bardeen and Leon Cooper earned them the Nobel Prize in Phys-ics in 1972 and is now the accepted the theory of superconductivity. The Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer (BCS) theory ...