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  1. › wiki › OrcusOrcus – Wikipedia

    Orcus (deutsch: Orkus) war in der römischen Mythologie einer der Namen für den Gott der Unterwelt. Andere Namen waren Pluto oder Dis Pater. Mit Orcus wurde seine böse, bestrafende Seite bezeichnet, der Gott, der die Toten im Jenseits folterte.

  2. (90482) Orcus (Orkus; frühere Bezeichnung 2004 DW) ist ein großes transneptunisches Objekt im Kuipergürtel, das bahndynamisch als Plutino eingestuft wird. Aufgrund seiner Größe ist der Asteroid ein Zwergplanetenkandidat.

  3. Orcus, also known as Tenebrous [2] [6] [22] was a demon prince and purported primordial [23] that served as master of the undead from the depths of the Abyss. [10] [24] Returned from undeath but not technically alive, the Demon Lord of Undeath was the multiverse's staunchest advocate for stagnation...

  4. Orcus (minor-planet designation: 90482 Orcus) is a dwarf planet located in the Kuiper belt, with one large moon, Vanth. It has an estimated diameter of 870 to 960 km (540 to 600 mi), comparable to the Inner Solar System dwarf planet Ceres.

  5. › wiki › OrcusOrcus - Wikipedia

    Orcus is the name of a fire protection and risk consultancy in the North and South America specializing in unique hazards such as refineries and chemical storage. Orcus appears as a character in Qui Nguyen's play She Kills Monsters (2011).

  6. sanglorian.github.ioorcusHome | orcus

    29. Aug. 2023 · Flexible character creation is a priority, with the class, kit and feat subsystems interlocking to allow for a wide range of characters right out of the box. Martial arts, psychic powers, demanding incantations, poisons with out-of-combat functionality and familiars are all included.

  7. 29. Aug. 2015 · Although Orcus has not yet been officially categorized as a dwarf planet by the IAU, many astronomers agree that it meets all the requirements and will be in the future.

  8. 15. Juni 2018 · Orcus öffnet das Tor zu unerlösten parallelen Sphären, zu persönlichen und virtuellen Unterwelten bzw. zum Totenreich, teils zum dunklen Grauen. Todesübergänge, Sterbebegleitung, die Katakomben des Totenreichs, Beschäftigung mit Tod und Sterben, Komazustände sind weitere orcische Situationen.

  9. 26. Sept. 2019 · Past all of the rocky inner worlds and the mighty gas giants, the dwarf planet Pluto can be found. But what is lurking beyond Pluto? Episode six explores the strange unconfirmed dwarf planet,...

  10. 11. Jan. 2011 · Orcus, if you haven't heard of it before, is probably the seventh largest known trans-Neptunian object, and Vanth is its satellite. Here's the weird thing I just found out about Orcus and Vanth by reading a 2009 paper by Mike Brown, Darin Ragozzine, John Stansberry, and Wesley Fraser .