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  1. 6. Sept. 2024 · Other important liberal socialist figures include Norberto Bobbio, [20] Guido Calogero , [21] Anthony Crosland, [22] Piero Gobetti, [23] Theodor Hertzka, [12] Leonard Hobhouse, [22] Oszkár Jászi, [24] Josef Macek , [14] Chantal Mouffe, [11] Franz Oppenheimer, [25] John Rawls [26] and R. H. Tawney. [27]

  2. Vor 5 Tagen · In 1956, Anthony Crosland stated that at least 25% of British industry was nationalised and that public employees, including those in nationalised industries, constituted a similar proportion of the country's total workforce. [61]

  3. Vor 2 Tagen · In 1951 he married Lois King, whom he had met in London when he was a student and she was a nurse. She died in 2019, and he is survived by their two sons and two daughters. Shridath Surendranath Ramphal, diplomat and lawyer, born 3 October 1928; died 30 August 2024. This obituary has been updated since Kaye Whiteman ’s death in 2014.

  4. 5. Sept. 2024 · It is not generally known that Dewar was not a shoo in for selection. A solicitor by profession, this tall, gangly figure had been elected to Parliament for Aberdeen South in 1966 and had been Parliament­ary Private Secretary to Labour grandee Anthony Crosland but lost his seat to Iain Sproat of the Conservati­ves in 1970.

  5. Vor 3 Tagen · Influenced by Anthony Crosland's book The Future of Socialism (1956), the circle around party leader Hugh Gaitskell felt that the commitment was no longer necessary. An attempt to remove Clause IV from the party constitution in 1959 failed; Tony Blair and New Labour "modernisers" were successful in removing Clause IV in 1994.

  6. 21. Aug. 2024 · Die Menschen wollten an die Legende glauben", sagt die französische Historikerin Françoise Cros de Fabrique, die 2019 in einem Dokumentarfilm aufgezeigt hat, dass von Choltitz' Beweggründe ...

  7. 3. Sept. 2024 · But the foreign secretarie­s James Callaghan and David Owen, appointed to the post after Anthony Croslands death brought his brief tenure to a close in 1977, were easy to work with, even if their efforts to cut the Gordian knot were a failure.