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  1. Vor 6 Tagen · Das Gelassenheitsgebet, das Reinhold Niebuhr 1943 in einer Dorfkirche in Massachusetts formulierte, wurde später in Deutschland als altes Gebet des schwäbischen Pietismus verbreitet. Die Autorin erzählt die Geschichte dieses Gebets und seine Bedeutung für die Theologie Niebuhrs.

  2. 5. Sept. 2024 · Reinhold Niebuhr stands alone among many 20th century theorists of religion and politics for at once rejecting both the natural law tradition of just war, as well as the secular-rationalist tradition of his progressive contemporaries. Nowhere is his dual criticism more evident than in his critical stance on technology in war. For ...

  3. Vor 5 Tagen · Ein Gebet des Theologen Reinhold Niebuhr. Gott, gib mir die Gelassenheit, die Dinge hinzunehmen, die ich nicht ändern kann, Mut, die Dinge zu ändern, die ich ändern kann, Und Weisheit, um den Unterschied zwischen beidem zu erkennen. Einen Tag nach dem anderen zu leben, Einen Moment nach dem anderen zu genießen,

  4. 28. Aug. 2024 · In Detroit, Niebuhr witnessed, firsthand, the destruction of unbridled greed and corruption has he saw his parishioners destroy by the automobile industry. What he witnessed led him to joining Christian pacifist movements and the Socialist Party (Scott Jr., 1975 ).

  5. 5. Sept. 2024 · This volume presents reflections on the nature of Christian spirituality in the light of Immanuel Kant’s work Fundamental Principles of the Metaphysic of Morals . It also contains two short com­ments on Kant’s work: Paul Tillich directly engages Kant’s moral philosophy, and Reinhold Niebuhr indirectly addresses him with his reflections on the role of conscience in religious experience ...

  6. Vor 5 Tagen · The Protestant theologian Reinhold Niebuhr was an American public intellectual and one of the leading thinkers of the 20th century. He was a rare figure whose writings on religion and foreign policy—such as Moral Man and Immoral Society, and The Irony of American History—have stood the test of time and are still being read with ...

  7. 15. Aug. 2024 · Liberal Christianity was far too optimistic about humans’ ability to make themselves behave morally. And its opposite was far too cold, uncaring, and punitive. For Niebuhr, the only way to overcome extreme political partisanship was to forgive one’s opponents—but temper that forgiveness with justice.