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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. Damon besuchte die Cambridge Rindge and Latin School, in der er immer wieder in verschiedenen Theatergruppen spielte, bevor er 1988 seinen Abschluss machte. Von 1988 bis 1992 besuchte Damon die Harvard University , an der er Anglistik studierte.

  2. Damon was raised in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and attended the Cambridge Rindge and Latin School, where he took drama classes. At age 18 he landed a small part in Mystic Pizza (1988) and also enrolled in Harvard University as an English major.

  3. Friends of Cambridge Rindge & Latin School (FOCRLS), a nonprofit that supports opportunities at our city’s public high school, is recognizing four teachers who have had especially positive influences on students.

  4. Damon attended Cambridge Rindge and Latin School, a prestigious public high school in Cambridge. He was a good student, and he participated in a variety of extracurricular activities, including drama and sports. Damon's high school years were a time of great growth and development, and they helped him to lay the foundation for his future success.

  5. Cambridge Rindge and Latin students. A limited number of tuition scholarships are awarded to eligible 12th grade students at the Cambridge Rindge and Latin School. For information please contact Enrollment Services at (617) 495-4024 or Allston-Brighton residents.

  6. They attended Boston's Cambridge Rindge and Latin School together, and continued working together on their Hollywood projects after graduating.

  7. Cambridge Rindge and Latin School (CLRS, als Cambridge Latin School bzw. Grammar School 1648 von Master Elijah Corlett gegründet, 1977 mit der jüngeren technischen Rindge School fusioniert) Städtepartnerschaften. Mit sieben Städten p ...