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  1. Vor einem Tag · William James hielt es für sinnvoll, Bewusstsein als einen Fluss zu definieren, weil er auf diese Weise eine Dialektik zwischen einem stabilen Element (Bewusstsein selbst, was man definieren möchte) und einem anderen, das sich ständig ändert (der Inhalt dieses Bewusstseins) etabliert.

  2. Vor 3 Tagen · William James (January 11, 1842 – August 26, 1910) was an American philosopher and psychologist, and the first educator to offer a psychology course in the United States. [1] James is considered to be a leading thinker of the late 19th century, one of the most influential philosophers of the United States, and the "Father of ...

  3. 22. Aug. 2024 · William James (born January 11, 1842, New York, New York, U.S.—died August 26, 1910, Chocorua, New Hampshire) was an American philosopher and psychologist, a leader of the philosophical movement of pragmatism and a founder of the psychological movement of functionalism. Early life and education.

  4. 22. Aug. 2024 · He used the pragmatic rule in his polemic against monism and the “block universe,” which held that all of reality is of one piece (cemented, as it were, together), and he used this rule against internal relations (i.e., the notion that one cannot have one thing without having everything), against all finalities, staticisms, and completenesses.

  5. Vor 6 Tagen · William James (18421910), einer der Begründer des amerikanischen Pragmatismus, behandelt in seinem berühmten und einflussreichen Aufsatz zwei miteinander verbundene Fragen: Welche moralische Haltung sollen wir einnehmen, um zu Überzeugungen zu gelangen, insbesondere dann, wenn wir keine gesicherte Grundlage für diese haben?

  6. 22. Aug. 2024 · William James - Psychology, Pragmatism, Philosophy: In 1872 James was appointed instructor in physiology at Harvard College, in which capacity he served until 1876. But he could not be diverted from his ruling passion, and the step from teaching physiology to teaching psychology—not the traditional “mental science” but ...

  7. 18. Aug. 2024 · William James Mit einem Brief des Verfassers an den Übersetzer und zwei Abhandlungen des Verfassers. Émile Boutroux; Edited by: Bruno Jordan