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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. 5. Sept. 2024 · James W. McCord Jr., one of the Watergate burglars, wrote a letter to Judge John J. Sirica. This letter helped break open the case by revealing the involvement of high-ranking officials. Hugh W. Sloan Jr., treasurer of Nixon's re-election committee, resigned early and cooperated with investigators.

  2. Vor 14 Stunden · Next, on June 27, the president's counsel, James St. Clair, opened President Nixon's impeachment defense before the House Judiciary Committee. In Nixon's defense St. Clair argued that the president could be impeached only on solid proof of "great offenses committed against the government," not simply "maladministration."

  3. › wiki › 19731973 – Wikipedia

    Vor 14 Stunden · 1973 Augusto Pinochet Durch einen Militärputsch in Chile kommt der Diktator Augusto Pinochet an die Macht.: Zerstörungen in der syrischen Stadt Kunaitra auf den Golanhöhen Mit dem Jom-Kippur-Krieg bricht der vierte arabisch-israelische Krieg im Rahmen des Nahostkonflikts aus.

  4. 12. Sept. 2024 · Of the four individuals I’ve found who have 2-Ds, two of them (Jack Ruby and Thomas Peasner) have been investigated for having possible ties to the assassination of JFK. One (James McCord) was reported by two separate sources to have been in Dallas on November 22, 1963. That just leaves us with Ron. Coming next: Counting the lbs.

  5. 9. Sept. 2024 · Die Unbestechlichen (1976) All the President's Men. Spielfilm. Alternativ-Titel: Alle Männer des Präsidenten. Synchronfirma: Berliner Synchron GmbH Wenzel Lüdecke, Berlin. Dialogbuch: Lutz Arenz. Dialogregie: Dietmar Behnke. Anzahl Sprechrollen: 36. „Die Unbestechlichen“ bei bestellen. „Die Unbestechlichen“ streamen: ...

  6. 7. Sept. 2024 · Who is James W. McCord, Jr.? James Walter McCord, Jr. is a former CIA agent, later involved, as an electronics expert, in the Watergate burglaries.

  7. 12. Sept. 2024 · James W. McCord, Jr., former CIA officer, involved in the Watergate scandal; John A. Rizzo, Acting General Counsel of the CIA