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  1. Vor 3 Tagen · Pentagon Papers editions. Official name of the Pentagon Papers: History of United States Decision-Making Process on Vietnam Policy, 1945–1967. The Pentagon Papers as published by the New York Times. New York: Bantam Books, 1971.

  2. 14. Mai 2024 · In Helmers Erinnerungen findet sich freilich auch eine Passage, dass er den Whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg dafür bewunderte, die Pentagon Papers veröffentlicht zu haben. Damit habe er die Ehre...

  3. 27. Mai 2024 · The Pentagon Papers exposed the extent to which the White House had misled the public about the progress and purpose of the war in Vietnam. It showed that officials had known for years that the war was unwinnable, yet continued to escalate military operations and commit more troops to the conflict.

  4. Vor 2 Tagen · The leaked study became known as the Pentagon Papers, revealing that McNamara and others had been aware that the Vietnam offensive was futile. Subsequent efforts by the Nixon administration to prevent such leaks led indirectly to the Watergate scandal.

  5. 21. Mai 2024 · The Pentagon Papers, officially titled "Report of the Office of the Secretary of Defense Vietnam Task Force", was commissioned by Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara in 1967. It is a United States Department of Defense history of the United States' political and military involvement in Vietnam from 1945 to 1967.

  6. 30. Mai 2024 · Includes page images and searchable text of about 900 periodicals created by or for U.S. military personnel during the Vietnam War era. Most were produced underground by U.S. soldiers or veterans who opposed the war, using mimeograph machines or other inexpensive technology. Pentagon Papers.

  7. Vor 6 Tagen · En 1971 éclate aux Etats-Unis l'affaire des "Pentagon Papers", vaste fuite de renseignements liés à la Guerre du Vietnam. Les documents rendus publics par le Washington Post éclaboussent alors la classe politique US de l'époque.