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  1. 20. Mai 2024 · August Weismann's idea, set out in his 1892 book Das Keimplasma: eine Theorie der Vererbung ("The Germ Plasm: a Theory of Inheritance"), was that the hereditary material, which he called the germ plasm, and the rest of the body (the soma) had a one-way relationship: the germ-plasm formed the body, but the body did not influence the ...

  2. 16. Mai 2024 · Der Biologe August Weismann (1834–1914) war einer der ersten systematischen "Sex-Forscher" und hat auf seinen diesbezüglichen Resultaten die Neodarwin’sche Theorie formuliert. Weismann definierte zweigeschlechtliche Tiere, bei denen es Männchen und Weibchen gibt, über die sexuelle Fortpflanzung: Spermien- und Eizellen ...

  3. 1. Mai 2024 · 1834, † Freiburg im Breisgau 5. 11. 1914; ursprünglich Mediziner und als Arzt in Frankfurt am Main tätig, wandte sich etwa ab 1860 der Zoologie zu; ab 1873 Inhaber des ersten Lehrstuhls für Zoologie in Freiburg im Breisgau und dort Direktor des Zoologischen Instituts.

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    22. Mai 2024 · August Weismann's experiment, considered definitive in its time, is now considered to have failed to disprove Lamarckism, as it did not address use and disuse. Later, Mendelian genetics supplanted the notion of inheritance of acquired traits, eventually leading to the development of the modern synthesis , and the general abandonment ...

  5. 13. Mai 2024 · One theory is that aging is a pre-programmed process, like a ticking clock that counts down to our eventual demise. This idea, first proposed by the German biologist August Weismann in 1881, suggests that aging evolved as a way to benefit the species by freeing up resources for younger, healthier individuals.

  6. Vor 4 Tagen · At his father's suggestion, as a teenager he read the genetic and evolutionary works of Hugo de Vries and August Weismann and the philosophical works of Ludwig Feuerbach. He noted Goethe as the greatest early intellectual influence. In school, Hayek was much taken by one instructor's lectures on Aristotle's ethics.

  7. Vor 3 Tagen · August Weismann was one of the most influential biologists of the late nineteenth century. In Essays Upon Heredity he presents a series of essays giving his thoughts on the mechanisms of heredity. Two of the essays offer specific refutation of the idea that acquired characters can be inherited.