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  1. 20. Juni 2024 · Someone else who was learning stuff from comics was Frits Bolkestein, the Dutch European Commissioner who was responsible for overseeing the EU’s internal market from 1999 to 2004. Now nearly 90, his English was always better than we Brits can manage, which is far from unusual in this part of the world.

  2. Vor 6 Tagen · In both law and political philosophy, there exists the idea of legitimate expectations. In law, this principle regulates the future, casting pre-legal agreements and promises into a legally enforceable system. In everyday life, people undertake a great deal of initiatives with an eye to the future.

  3. Vor 10 Stunden · Joshua Livestro (1970) is publicist en werkte als politiek adviseur van de Britse Conservatieve Partij en Eurocommissaris Frits Bolkestein. Hij schreef onder andere voor Vrij Nederland, de Volkskrant en De Telegraaf. Eerder verscheen van hem De adem van grootheid. Nederland in de jaren vijftig (2006).

  4. Vor 3 Tagen · Twee: het euvel dat de standpunten van de rechtervleugel van de partij, voorheen belichaamd door Hans Wiegel en Frits Bolkestein, alleen werden verkondigd in verkiezingstijd. Drie: de omstandigheid dat de belangen van ‘Den Haag’ boven alles leken te gaan. Vier: de trend dat de invloed van de leden steeds verder werd ingeperkt.

  5. 27. Juni 2024 · This being the case, these firms can dedicate themselves to ensuring their ongoing dominance by finding ways to control people, a project in which governments are also largely interested. Their chief method of doing this is by using algorithms and big data to capture attention and predict behaviour.

  6. 23. Juni 2024 · If an American expressed a fondness for the institution, he was obviously spitting on the flag, mom, and apple pie. The absurdity of the idea was underscored by the very success of our great nation, a superpower that stalked the planet.

  7. 21. Juni 2024 · His view of the world evolved from personal experience, from the tension which existed between on the one hand his traditional cultural identity, and on the other hand his life as a migrant striving for progress, meeting with diverse, and also adverse, reactions.