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  1. 20. Juni 2024 · Piero di Cosimo de’ Medici maintained and strengthened the political fortunes of the family. He also fathered two sons, one of whom, Giuliano (1453–78) was assassinated. The second son, Lorenzo (1449–92), became in his own time Il Magnifico (“The Magnificent”).

  2. 18. Juni 2024 · Nel 1495, a causa delle sollevazioni popolari contro il cugino Piero, Giulio de' Medici scappò da Firenze per rifugiarsi in vari luoghi d'Italia; e il 9 maggio 1513 fu nominato arcivescovo di Firenze dal cugino papa Leone X, che aveva ripreso la città sconfiggendo le truppe francesi alleate dei repubblicani fiorentini.

  3. 25. Juni 2024 · Piero deMedici died on December 2, 1469, and was succeeded by two young men: Lorenzo was twenty-one, and Giuliano was only sixteen. They had no experience and had to rely on their father’s principles. Lorenzo deMedici (1449–1492) took over the business and, within a few years, became one of the greatest statesmen of his time. On the other hand, Giuliano was impulsive, athletic ...

  4. Vor 4 Tagen · In the light of the description and the measurements offered in the inventories, it is possible to identify the “apocryphal” bust previously thought to be Lorenzo the Magnificent with the posthumous portrait of Giuliano de' Medici, now in the Bargello museum, dated to around 1480 and attributed by Caglioti to the “Maestro degli ...

    • Giuliano di Piero de’ Medici1
    • Giuliano di Piero de’ Medici2
    • Giuliano di Piero de’ Medici3
    • Giuliano di Piero de’ Medici4
    • Giuliano di Piero de’ Medici5
  5. Vor 2 Tagen · Una congiura capitanata da Luca Pitti e Diotisalvi Neroni fu organizzata contro il capo dei Medici, una condanna a morte a cui Piero riuscì a scampare grazie alle sue spie, alla fortuna e al figlio Lorenzo. La congiura avvenne nell' Agosto del 1466, ma per capirla occorre fare un passo indietro.

  6. 8. Juni 2024 · Giuliano de’ Medici was killed by Francesco Pazzi, but Lorenzo was able to defend himself and escaped only slightly wounded. Meanwhile, other conspirators tried to gain control of the government.

  7. 6. Juni 2024 · Night, marble sculpture form the tomb of Giuliano de' Medici by Michelangelo, 1520–34; in the Medici Chapel, San Lorenzo, Florence. (more) Abutting these active surfaces, the two tombs on opposite walls of the room are also very original, starting with their curved tops.