20. Mai 2017 · RedwoodGrove said: Write it down in case you forget. Write it down lest you forget. . but not: Write it down for fear you forget. I would like to why. ①Write it down lest you forget. . ②Write it down for fear you forget. . But what I found in the American English Heritage dictionary is: lest--for fear that.
6. Juli 2014 · Jul 1, 2014. #3. We was afraid of being scolded is correct. You would need to change "afraid to be scolded" to "afraid that he would be scolded" to make it correct. To be afraid of and to be afraid to are interchangeable when the subject is doing the action e.g. He was afraid of swimming in deep water / he was afraid to swim in deep water.
20. Nov. 2007 · davidg9218 said: There are a bunch of words representing fear or anxiety; I'm wondering about suggestions about how they compare and contrast with each other. Thanks! craindre: to fear. avoir peur: to be afraid. effrayer: to frighten. anxieux: anxious. inquiet: worried. D.
9. Apr. 2010 · Synonyms: shake, tremble, quake, quiver, shiver, shudder. These verbs mean to manifest involuntary vibratory movement. Shake is the most general: The floor shook when I walked heavily across the room. Tremble implies quick, rather slight movement, as from excitement, weakness, or anger: The speaker trembled as he denounced his opponents.
8. Okt. 2014 · Like when we sit by this lake, I wish I knew what kind of turtle that was, so I could tell him. And I want to figure out what kind of duck that is, so I can tell him all about it the next time we come." "What do you want most for him?" "Whatever his dreams are, I'm down to ride for him." "What's your biggest fear for him?" "That he won't try.
12. Juli 2007 · 1) She has neither scruples nor fear. as well as 2) She has either no scruples or no fear. But language and logic do not always agree. Also, what do you think about the following sentence: She's a woman without scruples and fear. Logically it can only mean that she has neither scruples nor fear, so in that respect it is not ambiguous. But is it ...
3、fear表示一种相对长期的心理状态对某人或某事害怕,多指害怕已存在或即将到来的危险,并含有避开之义。如: She fears snakes.她怕蛇。 4、terrify的基本意思是“吓坏”“吓破胆”,指某事的发生使某人感到或充满着恐惧,强调无法自控的心理状态。如:
26. Mai 2011 · As Boozer says the terms are 'tear/tears', 'teardrop/teardrops'. I don't think either 'a drop of tear or tears' are even possible considerations. However 'a drop of tear fluid' technically would be possible but very scientific and anything but poetic. And yes, 'tears' and 'drops' are countable. That's how they can exist in the plural.
3. Sept. 2013 · Bernd, I fear as well that you would lose this bet! In my home dialect, I'd say you can hear the phrase 'Fernseh'n schauen' and 'fernsehschauen' with roughly equal frequency. Come to think of it, my dialect may actually create such compound verbs more often than I thought. Your grammar description above is right, so the correct compound verb ...
31. Aug. 2009 · fear 可不可数?fear是否可数,需要结合它的意思来看具体说明如下:fear的中文翻译名词 n. 1.害怕,恐惧[U][(+of)][+(that)]:此时不可数She has a great fear of water.