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  1. Vor 3 Tagen · When a believer dies, according to the Bible, their soul goes to be with the Lord. This concept is often referred to as being in heaven with God. In 2 Corinthians 5:8, it says “We are confident, I say, and willing rather to be absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord.”. This verse suggests that believers who die are immediately ...

  2. 20. Sept. 2024 · The conditional preservation of the saints, or conditional perseverance of the saints, or commonly conditional security, is the Arminian Christian belief that believers are kept safe by God in their saving relationship with him upon the condition of a persevering faith in Christ. [1] .

  3. › wiki › JahannamJahannam - Wikipedia

    Vor 3 Tagen · In Islam, Jahannam is the place of punishment for unbelievers and evildoers in the afterlife, or hell. [1] This notion is an integral part of Islamic theology, [1] and has occupied an important place in the Muslim belief. [2] It is often called by the proper name Jahannam.

  4. › wiki › JihadJihad - Wikipedia

    Vor 4 Tagen · Azzam saw Afghanistan as the beginning of jihad to repel unbelievers from many countries—the southern Soviet Republics of Central Asia, Bosnia, the Philippines, Kashmir, Somalia, Eritrea, Spain, and especially his home country of Palestine.

  5. 24. Sept. 2024 · Scripture’s teaching is that all who die in their sins will immediately go to hell/Hades, where they will remain, conscious of their misery and despair, until summoned before God at the Great White Throne Judgment.

  6. 26. Sept. 2024 · The phrase “unequally yoked” comes from 2 Corinthians 6:14 in the King James Version: “Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?”.

  7. Vor 2 Tagen · The missional church seeks to make disciples with Spirit-empowered preaching of God’s truth or as Martyn Lloyd Jones said, “Preaching is theology coming through a man that is on fire. John Piper described preaching. He said 1) the goal of preaching is the glory of God. 2) The ground of preaching is the cross of Christ, and 3) the gift of ...