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  1. 5. Sept. 2024 · Er verheiratete seine Tochter Gerberga (913-969) zunächst mit Herzog Giselbert von Lotaringien (Lothringen) und dann mit dem karolingischen König Ludwig IV. von Frankreich; die zweite Tochter Hadwig (ca. 914-965) heiratete Hugo Capet; von den beiden anderen Söhnen wurde Heinrich (922-955) 948 zum Herzog von Bayern und Bruno (925 ...

  2. Vor 4 Tagen · Hugh Capet was King of the Franks in the late 10th Century. He started a dynasty that lasted into the 14th Century. He was born about 938. His father was Hugh the Great, who owned a large amount of land and had been involved in much of the political intrigue of the past few years.

  3. Vor 4 Tagen · Die Herren von Montmorency (11. – 12. Jahrhundert) Bouchard I. de Montmorency (de Montmorenciaco), genannt le Barbu, 1005/09 bezeugt; † vor 1012. ⚭ Ildelinde, Dame de Château-Basset auf der Île Saint-Denis, 1009/12 bezeugt, Witwe von Hugues Basset, Ritter – Vorfahren siehe Abschnitt Die Ursprünge.

  4. 30. Aug. 2024 · Hugh Capet, King of France. This is a letter from "Epistolae: Medieval Women's Letters". Epistolae is a collection of medieval Latin letters to and from women. The letters collected date from the 4th to the 13th centuries, and they are presented in their original Latin as well as in English translation. Dr.

  5. 6. Sept. 2024 · When his son Louis V (986–987) died young, the magnates reasserted themselves to elect Hugh Capet king. This time, despite the survival of a Carolingian claimant, Charles of Lorraine , the dynastic breach was permanent.

  6. 27. Aug. 2024 · After the decline of the Carolinian Empire, French Nobles elected Hugh Capet as the new king in 987, marking a significant change in French history. His ascension heralded the beginning of the Capian Dynasty focused on centralizing royal power. Centralization of Royal Power by Hugh Capet.

  7. Vor 2 Tagen · The dukes (as they then came to be styled) allied with the ascendant duke Hugh Capet had little to lose from the latter’s accession to the kingship in 987; it was at this time that a new Norman aristocracy in ducal control took shape.