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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. 21. Aug. 2024 · Il 28 giugno 2023 il Card. Salvatore De Giorgi, Presidente onorario della Fondazione Azione Cattolica scuola di santità Pio XI, ha festeggiato 70 anni di sacerdozio. La ricorrenza è stata ricordata con una celebrazione eucaristica presso la Cattedra di San Pietro, presieduta dal Cardinale.

  2. 26. Aug. 2024 · Beide haben aber Vorgänger, die Kardinäle sind: Carlo Caffarra, Salvatore De Giorgi und Paolo Romeo - zwei davon (Caffarra und Romeo) noch wahlberechtigt.

  3. 30. Aug. 2024 · Salvatore De Giorgi a Pisignano. Riapre la sagrestia della cappella ‘Mater Domini’. La cappella di Mater Domini di Pisignano torna ad essere al centro dell’attenzione della comunità il prossimo 7 settembre, in occasione del quinto anniversario sacerdotale del parroco don Angelo Rizzo.

  4. 3. Sept. 2024 · During a 17-day visit to the Philippines, Gemma di Giorgi told thousands of Filipinos the story of her healing by the Capuchin priest in 1947 when she received Communion for the first time. Di Giorgi was born blind, without pupils in her eyes.

  5. 29. Aug. 2024 · By extension also the person of Fr. Pfeiffer is to be considered part of the twinning process, recalling that the cardinals of Palermo, Salvatore Pappalardo and Salvatore De Giorgi in recent years, at different times, were among the first pilgrims to Manoppello, as soon as the German Jesuit's studies on Veronica were disseminated.

    • Salvatore De Giorgi1
    • Salvatore De Giorgi2
    • Salvatore De Giorgi3
    • Salvatore De Giorgi4
    • Salvatore De Giorgi5
  6. Vor 3 Tagen · Immár szomorú hagyománnyá vált, hogy november 5-én a város elöljáróinak részvételével gyászmise keretében emlékeznek meg a maffia és az erőszak áldozatairól a palermói székesegyházban. A misét Salvatore De Giorgi, Palermo érseke mutatja be, aki ezt követően találkozik a helyi karitászok, és más ...

  7. 5. Sept. 2024 · Italy has recognised same-sex civil unions since 5 June 2016, providing same-sex couples with almost all of the legal protections, benefits and rights of marriage. A bill to this effect was approved by the Senate on 25 February 2016 and the Chamber of Deputies on 11 May.