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    Idiom: night and day / (like) night and day 1. all the time; continually 2. used to describe a clear change or difference between two things Notes: When using "night and day" to talk about striking differences, we can also use the expression, "day and night." While the expressions can be used interchangeably, "day and night" is more frequently used...

    All the time/continually: — You’re on Facebook night and day, why don’t you take a break? — Our neighbors play loud music night and dayand just laugh at us when we ask them to turn it down a little. — I’ve been working night and dayto try to complete the project by the deadline but I still think I’ll need two more weeks to finish it. — We've been w...

    More idioms will be added in the future so check back frequently or sign-up for my free newsletterto learn about new updates to my website. 1. Home Page 2. Idioms List 3. Idiom: night and day

  2. Viele übersetzte Beispielsätze mit "between day and night" – Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch und Suchmaschine für Millionen von Deutsch-Übersetzungen.

  3. The day is divided into day (time) and night (-time). Daytime is from sunrise (this varies, but we can say approximately 6am) to sunset (we can say approximately 6pm). Night-time is from sunset to sunrise. Every day starts precisely at midnight.

  4. Definition. Idiom: day and night / (like) day and night. all of the time, continually, nonstop. used to describe a clear change or difference between two things. Note : When using "day and night" to talk about striking differences, we can also use the expression, "night and day."

  5. The pictures of a suicide victim jumping in front his train just cant be forgotten by underground train driver Achim Maerz. Tortured by his memory of that fateful day, Achim embarks upon a lonely period of soul searching.