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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. Atatürk Teacher Training Academy (Turkish: Atatürk Öğretmen Akademisi) is a higher education institution in Nicosia, North Cyprus. The academy was founded in 1937 by the ruling British government in Cyprus as the Morphou Teacher Training College.

  2. Atatürk Education Faculty is the oldest/longest-established teacher-training institution in Turkey. This is due to the fact that the Faculty’s origin is rooted in the Dârülmuallimîn-i Rüşdî (Teacher Training School for Secondary Education in the Ottoman Empire) which was established in 1848.

  3. Atatürk's Reforms aimed to break the traditional role of the women in the society. Women were encouraged to attend universities and obtain professional degrees. Women soon became teachers at coed schools, engineers, and studied medicine and law. Between 1920 and 1938, ten percent of all university graduates were women.

  4. 2023-2024 Öğretim Yılı Yaz Döneminde Atatürk Öğretmen Akademisi bünyesinde “Pedagojik Formasyon Eğitimi Sertifika Programı”na öğrenci alınacaktır. AÖA 2023-2024 ÖĞRETİM YILI BAHAR DÖNEMİ PEDAGOJİK FORMASYON PROGRAMI FİNAL SINAV PROGRAMI

  5. The ATADC Atatürk School has been teaching the Turkish language and culture to children since 1980. OUR MISSION. The Atatürk School for Children was established in the 1980s and is managed by the American-Turkish Association of Washington DC, a 501c, tax exempt, non-profit cultural organization.

  6. Primary. Aydın, Turkey. Our school is a central school located in Çine district of Aydın province in the west of Turkiye. Our school started education on 05.02.1940 and still continues its education and training activities at the primary school level in the field of basic education.

  7. 21. Nov. 2022 · Our school, which aims for a contemporary and Kemalist education system and takes its name from the supreme leader Atatürk: A contemporary, secular, exemplary school with its personality and professional skills that values science and scientific work, knows and can practice its profession at the highest level, is open to ...