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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. Python's syntax is simple and consistent, adhering to the principle that "There should be one— and preferably only one —obvious way to do it." The language incorporates built-in data types and structures, control flow mechanisms, first-class functions, and modules for better code reusability and organization.

  2. A string literal or anonymous string is a literal for a string value in the source code of a computer program. Modern programming languages commonly use a quoted sequence of characters, formally "bracketed delimiters", as in x = "foo", where , "foo" is a string literal with value foo.

  3. The prime symbol ′, double prime symbol ″, triple prime symbol ‴, and quadruple prime symbol ⁗ are used to designate units and for other purposes in mathematics, science, linguistics and music.

  4. Python ([ˈpʰaɪθn̩], [ˈpʰaɪθɑn], auf Deutsch auch [ˈpʰyːtɔn]) ist eine universell nutzbare, üblicherweise interpretierte, höhere Programmiersprache. [14] Sie hat den Anspruch, einen gut lesbaren, knappen Programmierstil zu fördern. [15]

  5. A Python handler for mkdocstrings. The Python handler uses Griffe to collect documentation from Python source code. The word "griffe" can sometimes be used instead of "signature" in French. Griffe is able to visit the Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) of the source code to extract useful information.

  6. pydocstringformatter: Automatically format your Python docstrings to conform with PEP 8 and PEP 257. pyment : formats and generates docstrings. ssort : sorts and groups classes, functions, and methods.

  7. PY2NB: Python To Notebook Converter. This is a small utility for turning python scripts into jupyter notebooks and convert module-level multiline (triple quote) string literals into markdown cells.

  8. Python's syntax is very straightforward, and often compared to pseudo-code. For contrast, look at the sample script later in this article, implemented first in AppleScript, then in Python. The Python version, while it is not as readable as the near-English AppleScript, reads like English plus a bit of 8th grade algebra. AppleScript's approach ...

  9. In der Zahlentheorie besteht ein Pythagoreisches Tripel oder Pythagoreisches Zahlentripel aus drei verschiedenen natürlichen Zahlen, bei denen die Summe der Quadrate der beiden kleineren Zahlen gleich dem Quadrat der größten Zahl ist. Nach dem Satz des Pythagoras können die drei Zahlen eines Pythagoreischen Tripels auch als die ...

  10. Python is a high-level, ... Delimited by single or double quotes; unlike in Unix shells, Perl, and Perl-influenced languages, single and double quotes work the same. Both use the backslash (\) as an escape character. String interpolation became available in Python 3.6 as "formatted string literals". [108] Triple-quoted (beginning and ending with three single or double quotes), which may span ...