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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. Amram und Jochebed sind die Eltern von Moses und Enkel von Levi. Die biblische Erzählung von Moses Geburt und Bewahrung nennt sie nicht, aber andere Quellen berichten von einer Vision, einer Taufe und einer Flucht aus Ägypten.

  2. Die AIM-120 AMRAAM ist eine radargelenkte Luft-Luft-Lenkwaffe mittlerer bis hoher Reichweite, die von Raytheon hergestellt wird. Sie ist die primäre BVR-Lenkwaffe vieler Luftwaffen der westlichen Welt und hat verschiedene Varianten und Anwendungen.

  3. › wiki › AmramAmram - Wikipedia

    Amram was the husband of Jochebed and the father of Aaron, Moses and Miriam, according to the Book of Exodus. He is also mentioned in the Apocryphal Testament of Levi, the Exodus Rabbah, the Book of Jubilees and the Dead Sea Scrolls.

  4. › wiki › AmramAmram – Wikipedia

    Amram ist ein hebräischer Name, der Onkel ist erhaben bedeutet. Er kommt im Tanach und im Koran vor, wo er der Vater oder Großvater von Moses oder Jesus ist.

    • Amram Marries Jochebed
    • Amram Remarries Jochebed
    • His Name
    • Bringing Heaven Down to Earth
    • Sinless
    • GeneratedCaptionsTabForHeroSec

    Amram married his aunt Jochebedin Egypt. She was Levi’s daughter, and Kehot, Amram’s father, was Levi’s son.Amram and Jochebed had a daughter, Miriam, and two sons, Aaronand Moses.1 Later, G‑d would forbid marrying one’s aunt,but at that time it was still permitted. Why did Moses come from a union thatwould ultimately become forbidden? Tradition ex...

    “A man of the house of Levi went and married adaughter of Levi.”3 This verse, a prelude to Moses’ birth,indicates that Amram divorced Jochebed and married her again.4 Talmudfillsin the gaps: After Pharoah decreed that all baby boys mustbe killed, Amram divorced his wife. “We are toiling for nothing!” he said. “Allour boys will be killed anyway!” Wh...

    The Zohar explains Amram’s name allegorically.“Am ram” means “exalted nation,”alluding to Amram’s children who were exceptionally great.9

    Amram was one of seven righteous men whohelped bring G‑d’s presence back to earth.10 When G‑d created the world, His presence, theShechinah, was revealed. In the seven succeeding generations, the Shechinah departed, rising from one heavento the next because of humankind’s many sins. Then, seven generations of righteous men, tzadikim, arose, and cau...

    Amram was one of four people said to have diedbecause of the “advice of the snake.” The snake refers to the serpent thatadvised Eve to eat from the Tree of Knowledge. These men were without sin andwould have lived forever. They only died because G‑d had decreed mortality onall humans after Eve ate from the tree.11 Some attribute Moses’ appointment ...

    Amram was a righteous Levite who married his aunt Jochebed and had three children who became leaders of the Jewish people. He was one of the seven tzadikim who brought G-d's presence back to earth and died without sin.

  5. Begriff) ‘Amram’ vorkommt und wie oft dieses Wort pro biblisches Buch vorkommt. Dabei haben wir das Neue und das Alte Testament durchsucht, um wirklich alle Verse und Vorkommnisse zu finden. Dieser Beitrag ist Teil unserer kleinen Konkordanz.

  6. - Auslegungen und Kommentare zur Bibel von Brüdern wie Darby, Kelly, Mackintosh, Smith, Hole, Heijkoop, Willis, bibelkommentar