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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. St Peter's College is a vibrant and inclusive community energised by shared intellectual curiosity and a commitment to excellence. Why study at St Peters College? We are an informal and intimate college fizzing with energy and creativity.

  2. Das St Peter’s College ist eines der konstituierenden Colleges der University of Oxford und befindet sich in der New Inn Hall Street in Oxford, Großbritannien. Es befindet sich an der Stelle von zwei mittelalterlichen Halls der Universität, welche auf das 14. Jahrhundert zurückzuführen sind.

  3. St Peter's College is one of the constituent colleges of the University of Oxford. Located on New Inn Hall Street, Oxford, United Kingdom, it occupies the site of two of the university's medieval halls dating back to at least the 14th century.

  4. The college is an inclusive, tolerant and open academic community which values the considerable contribution made by its graduates. Graduate students are admitted from a wide variety of backgrounds and many different countries.

  5. Located in the heart of Oxford, St Peter’s is known for its friendliness, informality, excellent relations between students and tutors and strong commitment to diversity and inclusion and student support. All freshers live in college in single study bedrooms.

  6. Das St Peter’s College, auch St Peter’s Seminary, ist ein ehemaliges römisch-katholisches Priesterseminar nahe der schottischen Stadt Cardross. Es befindet sich wenige hundert Meter nordöstlich der Stadt in einem kleinen Wäldchen. 1992 wurde das St Peter’s College in die schottischen Denkmallisten in der höchsten Kategorie ...

  7. The Pontifical College Josephinum is a Roman Catholic seminary and private university in Columbus, Ohio. It was founded by Joseph Jessing in 1888 and was granted the status of a Pontifical College in 1892 by Pope Leo XIII, making it the only pontifical seminary in North America.